Why Do Minority Groups Exist

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It is both somber and compelling to be living in a world that has made such significant strides to create fairness for everyone, but still have the term “minorities” exist. In a perfect world, everyone would be treated equally and given an equal shot at triumph. A minority group defined as “a subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than the members of a dominant or majority group have over theirs.” TEXT BOOK To refer to some as subordinate and others as dominant shows the true inequality that still exists today. More specifically, Americans with disabilities are considered a minority group and they experience inequalities in many different aspects of life, including their education, the media, government and politics, their health …show more content…

It had also come to light that many of these groups still do. However, today Americans with disabilities seem to be treated better than most of the other groups. Both American women and disabled Americans have gained momentous acceptance into society. Americans with disabilities are no longer blatantly discriminated, but they may be looked down upon in certain situations. If a company is looking to hire a new doctor or businessman or salesman and they hold a face-to-face interview, the interviewer may be worried about limitations of someone that is, say physically disabled. While the disabled candidate may be well-qualified, his able-bodied counterpart may be considered more highly. Similar to the research, doctors may give a patient with a disability a subpar physical because he or she does not believe the patient will know the difference. While people may still hold stereotypes about disabled Americans, I do not believe they are called names or treated rudely quite as much as other minorities

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