Professionalism The Workplace

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Professionalism in the Workplace

Courtney Dennis
Med/Surg Four
August 5, 2015
Cathy Westberry

Professionalism in the workplace has many different aspects to be deciphered. There more than likely will come a time in your career that you witness or experience unprofessional behavior, if you haven’t already. Some of the aspects can be looked at as pieces of a puzzle. They all fit together, and need one another to complete the puzzle, or professional workplace. Every employee should be free from discrimination, judgment, negative attitudes, have superior communication, and have The first, not in importance, that would start the puzzle of professionalism would be discrimination. This means the employee is not accepted in a way …show more content…

In order to give excellent service in anything you do, your team must have a great sense of communication. This means there will be less error in work. Think about this, you are in report, about to go on shift, and you haven’t been told that your patient in room 201 has had a blood glucose reading of 215, you don’t realize they need coverage since the last nurse didn’t mention anything. What would then happen to your patient? They would be at an increased risk for hyperglycemia and possible further complications. This is only one extreme example of how effective communication can be utilized for patient safety. According to Davis (2014), “principle categories of evaluation include teamwork, communication, mutual performance monitoring, maintenance of standards and guidelines, task management, procedural skill, and equipment management.” This statement was pulled from an article about CCATT, critical care air transport team, missions in the Air Force, and focused on the importance of communicating within your care team. Davis (2014), showed important statistical information that expresses something called “task saturation” which is best explained as the amount of activity happening in the critical treatment times. There was a correlation in positive results when there was better equipment management during the crisis events that took place. The greatest ratio for …show more content…

Many nurses become anxious from the stress and high level of demand they are meant to keep up with. There may also be aggression linked from patient to nurse, nurse to doctor (aka horizontal aggression), doctor to patient, and even the family in the mix, which Edward (2014) had written about. According to Edward (2014), studies found that the medical staff to be involved in the workplace aggression would be the new, inexperienced nurses on the floor, and student nurses were the most targeted. They are always under supervision, and haven’t developed a relationship with other staff, and also need to develop rapport with everybody. That is a major stressor in figuring out if you are going to work out in a new place, doing new skills, and achieving new goals. Edwards (2014) identifies verbal and physical aggression in the workplace. Verbal aggression is the most common, which involved being yelled at, cursed at, and being intimidated. For physical aggression, emergency department nurses are expected to see this most often than other nursing settings. If the nurse remains unaware of these occurrences, and decides to hold in feelings toward this type of abuse the nurse is taking on, then they are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety in their career. The worst thought would be if the symptoms of this depression and anxiety, it may push you into a

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