Hildegard Peplau Theory Paper

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Other disciplines seem to have assimilated the same definition of chronic confusion as outlined by NANDA. For instance, psychology, defines chronic confusion as an alteration in awareness characterized by a change in cognitive or behavioral clarity (Psychology Definition Staff, n.d.). However, psychology formerly believed chronic confusion was related to psychosis. Psychosis is an abnormal state of mind resulting in a “severe loss of contact with reality” (Taber, 2013). Even though reality orientation may be implemented in patients who experience chronic confusion, the condition is not a psychosis. Evidence to support this is discussed in the paragraph below and in the pathophysiology section of this paper.
There are two types of confusion …show more content…

Hildegard Peplau viewed nursing as “a significant, therapeutic, interpersonal process. It functions co-operatively with other human processes that make health possible for individuals in communities" (Peplau, 1952). This quote, encapsulates her theory of interpersonal relations. Peplau’s Interpersonal Theory focuses on the nurses’ role, which is to help patients identify their difficulties (“Theory of”, 2012). Peplau explains that the nurse assumes different roles as the relationship between patient and nurse progresses and develops (Feely, 1997). These roles evolve from stranger to teacher to resource to counselor to surrogate and finally to leader (Feely, 1997). As a stranger, the nurse and patient are greeting each other and regarding one another as an unfamiliar person (Feely, 1997). As a teacher, the nurse provides knowledge related to a patient’s need (“Theory of”, 2012). As a resource, the nurse provides specific knowledge in response to a new situation (“Theory of”, 2012). As a counselor, the nurse aids patient understanding and provides guidance (“Theory of”, 2012). As a surrogate, the nurse is a patient advocate and as a leader the nurse assumes responsibility for treatment (“Theory of”,

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