Trumpet Essays

  • Personal Narrative: My Trumpet

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    my favorite object. This very special object is my trumpet. Whenever I look at it, I feel the sensation of pure pride and joy. My trumpet will always hold a special place in my heart and I feel I would be deeply depressed if anything bad were to happen to it. Playing a musical piece perfect for the first time is my most sentimental memory of my trumpet. I will never forget all that I had done to get to this moment of playing perfection. My trumpet is one thing I will never give up. Keeping good care

  • Argumentative Essay: Accepting The Trumpet

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    As in Harry Potter, where the wand chooses the wizard, the trumpet chose me—although, at the time, I thought I was choosing the trumpet. Four wind musicians stood before me in my elementary school’s auditorium. Each one played an excerpt showcasing the instrument’s ability, trying to entice us all to play that instrument. I was able to resist the lures of three, but the fourth instrument, the trumpet, captured my eye and resonated with my soul. Little did I know, that sound would come to mean

  • Wynton Marsalis Is Truly The Best Trumpet Player

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    Wynton Marsalis is Truly the Best Trumpet Player Wynton Marsalis is a famous trumpet player that doesn’t receive as much recognition as he deserves. Wynton Marsalis is an African-American musician who also teaches classes to young musicians. Wynton Marsalis is a top-level trumpet player most likely because he was raised in a musical household. Though people believe that Louis Armstrong is better, they are wrong. Wynton Marsalis is the best trumpet player of all time. Wynton Marsalis plays in a

  • Personal Narrative: My Experience For Band Trumpet

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    looked at the very astonishing musical instruments, Mr.Lindwell announced that he needed trumpet players. I wasn’t really excited. So tried out the trumpet.

  • Personal Narrative: Pacific Paradise State School

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    been doing band the last year, and now again. I wanted to do band, as they were for the first time, letting third graders in the band, so I asked her, “What instrument should I play, Lucy?” She answered, “Well, we have some flute, clarinet, and trumpet spaces left, which one of those do you want to play?” I thought about it, and finally decided I wanted to play the flute. So I told her and she thought it was a good choice, so we set up an audition. It was on a Wednesday after school. We met up with

  • The Great Lake Suites Analysis

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    Wadada’s trumpet, frequently hitting long high-pitched notes, opposes to the cello-piano mosaics that occur in a lower register. “Yellowstone’s intro, configured by trumpet, piano, and then cello, takes its time to engage in a fantastic 4/4 groove laid down by Lindberg, a stupendous bassist who boasts a ravishing sound. Davis also deserves

  • Essay On Hospice Scholarship

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    A toneless rush of air exited my fife for about the hundredth time that Saturday morning. I began to get frustrated. When will I ever get this stupid instrument to make the beautiful notes that the more experienced fifers produce? Maybe it’s broken, I thought to myself. An older member of the Corps who, unbeknownst to me, was quietly observing from afar finally came over and offered to help. “Blow across the hole like you’re spitting a sunflower seed. That’s how you get air down into the hollow shaft

  • The Impact Of Miles Davis Influence On The Jazz Industry

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    University College Dentistry. In the community Miles’ father was seen as a role model to many other black families. As a kid, Davis enjoyed many sporting and outdoor activities like swimming and boxing, but none he loved more than playing on his trumpet.

  • Armstrong Hotter Than That Essay

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    Than That had a variety of instruments playing in the piece, but the clear focus was on the interplay between Armstrong’s trumpet and scatting and Lonnie Johnson’s guitar. The trombone, clarinet, and piano were used throughout the piece to add a variation in sound to prevent the piece from sounding to monotonous. One section I appreciated was the end of Armstrong’s first trumpet solo transitioning into the clarinet solo, which was accentuated by the clarinet playing a single, syncopated high note.

  • Analysis Of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

    1970 Words  | 8 Pages

    Music Assessment Task 5 Research Project Sungbum Park Beethoven was viewed as a transitional figure of composer between the Classical and Romantic eras of musical history. During the Classical era, the forms such as the concerto and sonata were more heavily defined and given more specific rules. Since Classical era, the Symphony was generally divided into four roughly equal sections, making the use of sonata form more effective. The Symphony

  • Louis And The Angels Analysis

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    released in 1957 (CD Universe). It was released as a CD in 2001 by Verve label (CD Universe). The genre is jazz, specifically swing and ragtime. All the songs on this album have vocals, and all the songs are generally slow with Armstrong playing the trumpet and singing, and he is accompanied by several backup singers and an eight person band. This music is intended for listening, but with all of the songs having good melody and harmony, it could be danced to. The songs on this album are softer and

  • Comparing Miles Davis's Life And Work

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    the trumpet. He was shown the trumpet at the age of 13 when his father inspired him to start playing it. When Davis was only 13 years old, his father had one of his good friends Elwood Buchanan help him play the trumpet and Davis quickly caught on and had inordinate talent. Davis caught on to playing the trumpet so fast that by the age of 17 he was playing professionally. His trainer Elwood Buchanan knew that he would be something great one day, even after the first day he played the trumpet at

  • Jazz Concert Essay

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    This hall was much larger than the previous performance I attended. My first impression of the group was that they were relaxed and comfortable. For instance, when the drummer winked the drummer gave when the director explained his switch from the trumpet to drums. The first piece, Swimming with the Sharks, was a lively piece. Listening to the piece made me feel as if i was in a superhero movie. This jazz performance the instrumentalist seemed to have fun with the pieces however the one before seemed

  • Demi Lovato's Confident: Song Analysis

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    Despite having a downfall in 2010 when she went to rehab to deal with an eating disorder, addictions and mental illnesses, Demi Lovato rose up from the ashes and has now become a powerhouse in the music industry, joining fellow ex-Disney stars, Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez. Demi is not afraid to speak out about her struggles, with becoming a strong advocate of shedding off the stigmatizations of mental illnesses and spokesperson towards promoting self-love and confidence, so much so that she also

  • Moores Opera House Analysis

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    playing music and it sounded pretty good. The Jazz Orchestra and Ensemble consisted of Saxophones, trombones, trumpets, as well as a rhythm section, which consisted of guitars, piano, bass, and drums. The conductor was Noe Marmolejo. He was present on stage. However,

  • The Trombone And Its Impact On The Jazz Movement

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    music types. “Early brass instruments were made from hollow items found in nature such as termite hollowed eucalyptus or conch shells.” (Bass Techniques and Pedagogy, Brian N. Weidner). One, if not the earliest brass instrument to be developed was a trumpet crafted from bronze.

  • Summary Of E. L. Doctorow's Ragtime

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    New Beginnings Published in 1975, the book Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow is a story of the oppression of different social groups whether it is immigrants or other races. The novel takes place during the period of American history called “The Gilded Age”, coined by the author Mark Twain in 1873 in his novel The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, referred to gilding, or the application of gold to different surfaces which manifested the homes of the American elite, such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, imitating the homes

  • Langston Hughes Poetry Assignment

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    Poetry Assignment Langston Hughes Langston Hughes lived long and interesting life. He has written a great number of novels and plays, short stories and critical essays, was good in translations, and collected folklore anthology. Yet, the true identity of his talent was revealed in the verses. That is why Langston Hughes became one of the largest national poets of the twentieth century. Langston Hughes has touched major social and racial problems in his works. The issues of racial transition, discrimination

  • Personal Narrative: Quitting The Marching Band

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    It's hard to stay optimistic in a Challenge, sometimes you want to give up and quit. But in the end you have to stay with it. Whether it be getting a new job, starting college, learning to drive, working in a group you don't want to be in ,and even playing a new instrument. You have to try your hardest to stay together and keep going for your friends, family, and for yourself. One of the hardest challenges for me was switching instruments the end of the eighth grade year for the marching band that

  • Carlisle Indian School Analysis

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    Since the dawn of time, society has always had a major issue in cultural believes. Less and less people find the need to know and understand other people’s customs, which lead to the misunderstanding of people’s lifestyle. The Carlisle Indian School was a horrible attempt to place children of Native American tribes into US culture by placing them in boarding school. The school was used to educate and civilize Indians, “kill the Indian, save the man” (Bear). Edward Thorp was one of those student at