Chemotherapy Essays

  • Essay On Chemotherapy

    684 Words  | 3 Pages

    o Chemotherapy: the use of cytotoxic chemicals Surgery is the most frequently employed breast cancer treatment. It is best used when the cancer is small and has not moved to other parts of the body. Radiation therapy is employed in approximately half of all breast cancer cases. It’s often used in combination with other treatment options. Chemotherapy is most often used when the cancer has spread or when it is thought the tumor needs to be reduced in size prior to surgery. Chemotherapy is often

  • Essay On Chemotherapy

    1952 Words  | 8 Pages

    One treatment method is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a chemical that kills cells. Healthwise’s trusted staff state many ways chemotherapy can be administered, such as orally, topically, injection or a catheter (WebMD, 2015, Chemotherapy). My mother went through chemotherapy several times. The doctors administered the chemotherapy in the hospital through an IV into her veins. Later, my mom went through rounds of radiation. WebMD

  • Essay On Chemotherapy

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    some cancers, chemotherapy alone can destroy all the cancer cells and cure the cancer (primary treatment). As an adjuvant treatment, chemotherapy is given prior to, or after other methods, to increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment. Most often, adjuvant chemotherapy is given after other therapies have destroyed the clinically detectable cancer cells. The purpose of adjuvant chemotherapy is to reduce the risk of recurrence or to prolong survival. If cure is not possible, chemotherapy may be given

  • Essay On Chemotherapy

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    other terrible things like physical and emotional pain that treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy have put her through. I never really understood cancer and what it, and also the treatments that come along with it, can and will do to a person. When I first found out, I found out everything I could about cancer and about oncology. While doing that research, I discovered that I one day wanted to

  • Chemotherapy Research Paper

    954 Words  | 4 Pages

    exogenous sources of DNA damage. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery help cure cancer. Chemotherapy is a pill that is used to kill the double cells. Although chemotherapy also kills off some important cells such as skin, hair, intestines, and bone marrow. The effects of killing off important cells are hair loss, nausea and vomiting, infection, easy brusing and bleeding. It depends on what kind of cancer to have for how long you have to stay on chemotherapy. Radiation is used to kill off cancer

  • Argumentative Essay On Chemotherapy

    641 Words  | 3 Pages

    cancer patients in which treatment has worked. There are four different cases of chemotherapy that are used (how chemotherapy work). Chemotherapy has seen to be a promising cure for many leukemia patients in which that is has helped many leukemia patients, destroyed cancer cells, and saved more lives than radiation alone. Chemotherapy is a known treatment for many cancers including leukemia. Chemotherapy has been proven to work more

  • Chemotherapy Case Studies

    1626 Words  | 7 Pages

    experimental treatment protocol. The protocol states prechemotherapy, administer Ranitidine 50 milligrams(mg) intravenously (IV), diphenhydramine 50 mg IV and Dexamethasone 20 mg IV pre-Paclitaxel and Granisetron 1 mg IV pre-Carboplatin only. The chemotherapy includes study Velibarin or placebo 50 mg, study Carboplatin or placebo 612 on day one and study Paclitaxel 150 mg IV on days 1,8 and 15.As per patient, Mrs. T’s health history includes being hospitalized twice for depression over 30 years ago

  • Chemotherapy Informative Speech

    770 Words  | 4 Pages

    few tears gently run down her face. It hurts too much to move. She is given pain medicine every four hours. It does not help. She second guesses having chemotherapy. Medical marijuana can enhance an individual’s quality of life. A few years ago my aunt was diagnosed with an inoperable brain cancer. She went through radiation and chemotherapy. It did not work. The side effects were horrendous. No one should ever

  • Informative Essay On Chemotherapy

    1534 Words  | 7 Pages

    costly yet effective treatment known as chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the use of surgery and radiation to shrink and stop the cancer from growing and spreading to other cells. Though chemo can also metastasize to other parts of the body, away from the original tumor. This can cause very harsh side effects such as nausea and pain to occur. It is difficult to treat this illnesses because many drugs can not be taken along with chemotherapy. Although chemotherapy is the most renowned cancer treatment,

  • Argumentative Essay On Chemotherapy

    543 Words  | 3 Pages

    cancer treatment that combines chemotherapy with radiation therapy. The use of chemoradiation therapy can reduce and even terminate the need for surgery. Local, regional, and distant diseases relative to surgery can be reduced greatly. It also reduces sickness, while undergoing treatment and the risk of relapsing once in remission. The two treatments that make up chemoradiation therapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy were actually discovered on accident. Chemotherapy was discovered when men who fought

  • Chemotherapy Research Paper

    728 Words  | 3 Pages

    most types of cancer are chemotherapy and radiation. Even though there are distinct differences in administration and side effects of these treatments, chemotherapy and radiation are similar in purpose, fighting cancer. The first commonly known type of treatment is chemotherapy. This treatment attacks enzymes that duplicate cancer cells by the distribution of various medicines and chemicals administered (Kane 1107). According to Laurie Adams EdD, “the emergence of chemotherapy

  • Informative Essay On Chemotherapy

    1346 Words  | 6 Pages

    Chemotherapy most commonly known as “chemo” is a long and lengthy procedure used to destroy cancer cells, control its growth and spread, or provide ease and comfort to the patient. Chemotherapy treatment began in the 1940’s with nitrogen mustard which later on developed in to aminopterin. Chemotherapy comes with many side effects and risks; it not only affects the patients mind but also their body. Even though chemotherapy has its risks it is still considered to be an effective treatment option

  • Chemotherapy In The Early 1940's

    291 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sr. Alfred Gilman Sr. created chemotherapy in the early 1940’s. Chemotherapy is a treatment for cancer and is sometimes referred to as chemo. “The goal of chemo is to stop or slow the growth of cancer cells.” Chemotherapy consists of drugs and medicines to treat cancer. “Cancer occurs when certain cells in the body keep dividing and forming more cells without the ability to stop this process.” In the early development of chemotherapy, it was shown that chemotherapy killed lymphatic tissue. As a final

  • Chemotherapy Case Studies

    1032 Words  | 5 Pages

    Nations girl sparked much controversy after her family withdrew chemotherapy in favour of traditional medicine. Eleven-year-old, Makayla Sault passed away after her battle with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She had been given a 72% survival rate by doctors with a treatment planning involving intense chemotherapy, however, this aggressive approach landed her in the intensive care unit in the matter of 11 weeks. After the chemotherapy taking a major toll on the young girl’s body, both physically and

  • Essay On Cancer Chemotherapy

    2244 Words  | 9 Pages

    CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Cancer or cancer chemotherapy Cancer is abnormal growth of cell division that has potential to spread to other body cells. There are two types of cancers. One is the benign cancer don’t spread to other body cells and malignant cancer can spread to other body cells. Cancer chemotherapy is the branch of medical oncology and used for the treatment of cancer. The principle of chemotherapy is that by using of chemotherapeutic agents or drugs, cancer cells can be removed. These

  • Argumentative Essay On Chemotherapy Research Papers

    672 Words  | 3 Pages

    more rather then the healthy cells. Since the chemo is very powerful it does destroy some of the healthy cells. Even though chemotherapy is very popular it has many negative effects. Chemotherapy drugs can have an effect on your hormones. Many people on chemo continue to enjoy intimate relationships and an active sex lives. Sexual and reproductive issues may occur, chemotherapy can affect your fertility. For women, it 's the ability to get pregnant and carry a pregnancy. For men, fertility is to make

  • Reflective Essay: How Chemotherapy Changed My Life

    339 Words  | 2 Pages

    a type of cancer that attacks the white blood cells in the bone marrow. Thankfully the cancer was discovered rather quickly which prevented it from spreading to other parts of the body; however, I had to endure the long five years of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy included taking countless pills that would cause me to be bald, emotional, and produce warts on my fingers. The weeks not spent in the hospital were mostly spent at school, where I was marked as “different” or “not normal” because of the

  • Personal Narrative: How Chemotherapy Changed My Life

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    of 50 years) was diagnosed with Stage 2 lung cancer. A few rounds of chemotherapy and it was supposedly done. When I was a sophomore, her lung cancer had returned as stage 3. The chemotherapy couldn’t ward off the cancer this time, so the doctors surgically removed half of my 73 year old grandmother’s lung. December of my junior year, the cancer had moved to her breasts. The doctors knew she couldn’t handle any more chemotherapy, so she went through a double mastectomy. This year, my senior year,

  • Cancer And Chemotherapy Essay

    546 Words  | 3 Pages

    common cancers you see are breast cancer, lung cancer, and leukemia. cancer is something that either people live or die from, due to it being a consequence of your actions or it comes from your genetics. However, there is no cure there is only chemotherapy that stops the growth and cell division of the cancer cells. The history of cancer goes back to (460–370 B.C) when cancer was found in ancient Egypt when bodies were mummies. One of the cancers found in the mummies was bone cancer.

  • Essay On Chemotherapy

    1266 Words  | 6 Pages

    by these abnormal cells, causing many functions in the body to shut down and not work properly. Cancerous masses and tumors are sometimes surgically removed. Other times patients are prescribed chemotherapy, or treated with radiation therapy in hopes of curing the disease (“What Is Cancer?”). Chemotherapy is the “administration of chemical substances for the treatment of disease, especially cancer or for the aberrant growth of cells or tissues (neoplasms).” With the use of these harsh and abrasive