Why America Is Important To Me

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America is a really good country and they treat people very well.Thank you to all the soldiers that are still in the army and the veterans for risking their lives for us.America has done a lot for everyone that lives in the country like donations when hurricane harvey came to get everyone stuff that the people may have lost.
America has gave a gift to everyone.If you live in America than your in a really safe place to live in because they care about everyone in the whole country just as much as we do.I am thankful for the house that America has made for me and my family and the grocery stores,electronic stores, restaurants,and more stuff like that.America treats everyone the same no matter what color you are or where you 're from.America also has a good army and good police men and stuff. …show more content…

America has gave everyone in the country freedom.Look back at WW1 and stuff , the soldiers did it for us,for the country so we can have freedom.So America has gave me a lot in my life and it did for everyone, that is why we are where we 're at right now.What if we never had the president,wars,and other stuff that we had then we would not be here so I thank America for everything it has gave me in my

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