The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho: Article Analysis

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Coelho, Paulo. "Paulo Coelho Discusses the 25th Anniversary Edition of The Alchemist." Paulocoelhoblog Paulo Coelho, 20 July 2014. Web. 23 Aug. 2016 This article is an interview with Coelho about his first book, The Alchemist. In this article, he talks about how he found his purpose in life in writing, and how he gained success and recognition for it. He expresses why he continues to write and therefore face new challenges, even though he could have stopped long ago if money were his only goal. At the end, he says how he accomplished his dream and he gives advise to others on how to reach their goals. Although this article was published by Coelho on his own website, it does not come across as biased because it is an organized interview …show more content…

However, the insight it provides on The Alchemist is valuable, because it helps people understand the way he writes and what motivates him. Anyone who does not know what kind of writer Coelho is will find this article particularly informative. "Paulo Coelho: The Book Chooses Me." The Talks. 3 December, 2014. Web. 24 Aug. 2016 This article is an interview with Coelho where he talks about the message of his books, his inspiration in writing, and his method of writing. In the article, he says the way he knows if he should write and the process that governs his way of writing. He makes it clear that he is not attempting to change the world, but to change the way people think about the world. This article is well-written and professionally put together. It is a recent article, written roughly two years ago. The goal of this article it to see who Coelho is, where he is coming from as a person and from what mind state his books are coming from. The article accomplishes the goal because Coelho was greatly open about himself in the …show more content…

2 March 2011. Web. 24 August 2016 This article is strongly against Coelho. It gives reasons for why Coelho is an unskilled author, whose universal sayings of wisdom and insight actually do not carry much meaning and originality. The author of the article explains that he cannot put up with Coelho's writing because it drags with it many followers, but it is fake literature. The article utilizes many quotes from Coelho's books to prove its point. This article is different from nearly all others on Coelho, because it opposes him. This source is useful because it provides people with reasons to be skeptical of Coelho, in order to weigh out their thoughts on Coelho before possibly regretting that they read from him. This is not an academically written article, and lacks a credible author, because it is from a vague blog site. This article is easy for anyone to read, because it uses everyday language. The author of the article does a superb job at clarifying why he believes that Coelho's writing is not worth reading. This article has not greatly changed my view on Coelho. I understand that Coelho's writing is quite simple to understand, but I believe that is what makes him so effective and

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