Steeple Model: External Environment In Business World

702 Words3 Pages

Blessing Phiri E3658965
TMA 01
Q1. Steeple model
Steeple model is a tool which measures or analyse external environment in business world. Steeple model can also work as a guideline or a monitor which enables businesses to make changes according to external environment changes. Steeple Model is also a good tool to use before you start a business or trying to venture in a different direction in business. See fig 1 below.
Fig 1. Source: Pestle analysis Steep and Steeple analysis (online) available at Accessed (30/10/2015)
Political factors:
• New law and policies or legislation being implemented by the government which businesses have to comply with and what impact …show more content…

Social factors:
• Demographic statistics changes ,culture shift ,changes in age groups and locations students populations , baby boom for example in Chinese calendar year of the dragon many kids are born that could work as advantage for businesses making kids accessories

As we can see above Steeple model plays a great role in different dimension of business overall, pre planning or market research small or large organisation public or private sector steeple model is the tool to use.
Environmental factor
Elder flower has a considerable high demand within the market, however Speers is dreaming for a long hot summer which is not by any means forecasted having had 2 worst summers. Based on the current competition rate, Speers feels like it’s the right time to make elder flower one of Bottle’s top seller which would turn into a bigger turnover however For a small company which has single big retailer to supply, Bottle green needs to co-operate and built its level strategy that is to find other means to grow looking into different markets and having a fare to raise awareness of wide range …show more content…

Economic factor is the strongest influence; Bottle green owes about 9 million they will need to find ways of way paying off their loan without making a loss in the process

Environmental Factor has another strongest influence on Bottle Green, good weather brings sales up especially when running a drink based business, given the fact that elderflowers are produced from their own farm in Gloucestershire which is cost effective as others import from other countries, as a result, a good summer would only stand in their way moreover it could be right time to market their Bottle green elderflower local and internationally.


My suggestions for Bottle Green are:
• Thoroughly look into Legal factors assessing competition levels from other competitors
• Try out expect suggestions to cut cost and paying back the loan
• Market research online
• Raise enough money enough to boost branding
• Use cheaper marketing approach by liaising with current bigger retailer to arrange free testing counters
• Engaging more with current customers to promote word of mouth

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