Persuasive Essay On Foster Home

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Every year thousands of children are taken away from their families and promised a home full of joy and laughter. For most children, this promise is broken. They are placed in homes full of yelling and pain. Children end up in unloving and abusive homes. They are placed in danger every day because they have been placed too fast and without enough care. The foster system should do more to help children find safe and loving homes because children could end up in a home worse than the one they were born into or age out of the system and become homeless, so more background checks should be run in order to stop this. The first reason the foster system should do more to help find loving homes is, children could end up in a home worse than the one …show more content…

America’s homeless population is increasing every year. According to the article “Foster Care and Homelessness,” “50% of America's homeless population spent time in foster care.” As children reach their teen years it is less likely that they will be adopted. This creates the possibility of aging out of the system. When a child ages out of the system they have to create a life for themselves. Many of these kids do not have the money that is needed to create stable housing. Because of this they commonly end up homeless. Sadly, some children have to move many times before they are adopted. Leana Smith explains, “A child entering foster care will likely live in more than four homes during the first year of care. It is common for children who grow up in foster care to move more than 15 times” These children are bounced from place to place multiple times a year. With every placement the child has to change schools, meet new people, and make new friends. Not only is this hard on the child, but it can also confuse younger children, making them feel unwanted. This can lead to depression or anxiety that could affect the child its whole life. Depression can make it difficult to finish school, or have a stable job. Without a stable job the possibility of homelessness increases …show more content…

For instance the article “Key Facts and Statistics” states, “There are over 391,000 children and youth in foster care.” While it is true that thousands of children are in foster care, quickly placing children will not solve this problem. A child could be placed in an unloving or abusive home. Some children who are abused grow up to be abusive parents. According to the article “Cycle of child sexual abuse: links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator,” “A high percentage of male subjects abused in childhood by a female relative became perpetrators. Having been a victim was a strong predictor of becoming a perpetrator…” If a child grows up to be abusive then their children could end up in the foster system. This would increase the number of children needing to find safe

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