Healthy Eating Speech Outline

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Question One: A. Healthy Eating Speech a. Purpose Statement: The purpose statement of the speech is to inform the audience on how the food pyramid has changed over time, what healthy food to eat, what unhealthy food to avoid, and how to read a nutrition label. b. Thesis Statement: The thesis statement of the speech is that healthy eating can help the human body instead of harming it by eating unhealthy.
B. Acupuncture Speech a. Purpose Statement: The purpose statement of the speech is to inform the audience what happens when you receive an acupuncture treatment, how acupuncture works, the kind of medical conditions that can be treated by acupuncture, and the growing use of acupuncture in combination of Western medical techniques b. Thesis Statement: The thesis statement of the speech is that acupuncture works and is effective …show more content…

The speaker compares the amount of calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium found in a cheeseburger versus in a healthy eating option. In her speech, the speaker demonstrated a cheeseburger as an unhealthy eating option. In contrast, the speaker demonstrates a salad, mandarin oranges, and oven-baked potato as a healthy eating option instead of a cheeseburger. The speaker tells her audience that she is an avid reader of health magazines and books, which gives her a higher interest in researching and writing about healthy eating. In addition, the speaker introduces her thesis and a preview of her main points that will be discussed in her speech. In the acupuncture speech, the speaker’s introduction is effective. The speaker used a personal story of her seventy-eight-year-old grandmother that had arthritis and used acupuncture to heal her. The speaker even included her first-hand experience with acupuncture. The personal story is the speaker’s credibility that efficient of acupuncture. The speaker also introduces her thesis and a preview of the main points in her

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