Examples Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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People have been persuading one another for thousands of years, they have been using three different types of appeals, ethos, pathos and logos. Over the thousands of years people have realized the easiest appeal to use is pathos: appealing to one’s emotions. As a man named, Francois de La Rochefoucauld, a French author once said “The passions are the only orators which always persuade.” (Rochefoucauld). So once you find the passions who persuade it becomes easy, but how can you find those passions in the first place?
Repetition is one of the most effective ways of appealing to emotion. One great example of a person using repetition was Jesus. In the book of Matthew, he says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. …show more content…

Many speakers like doing this to force on persuasion through your emotions, like when Obama says, “together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story” (Obama). This is a fancy way of saying we can change the USA, and with approval ratings of the American government at an all time low, that is something a lot of Americans were looking for. He also showed this, in his campaign, by putting hope and change on most of his campaign posters. From the previous examples both Martin Luther King and Jesus were both trying to inspire either hope or change in people. Jesus was trying to change people and this inspired hope in people that if they changed they would have a better life. Martin Luther King was trying to persuade people that if we desegregated this country it would be a better place and he to was attempting to inspire hope for change. Even Antony showed that life could have changed for the better under Caesar by showing the plebeians the will of Caesar. This has been used many more times in literature and speeches, like when George is telling Lenny about the farm they are going to have in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, or in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes where Watching God when Joe convinces Janie to go with him so she can change her lifestyle. All these people used the desire for hope and change to there advantage , therefore, there ideas were passed along and there …show more content…

Consequently, they become much more open to ideas if they feel they are a part of it. In his speech, Mark Antony does this, he starts out his speech by saying, “friends, romans and countrymen,” (III.ii.82). When he says friend he puts himself on their level, he makes it seem like he is one of them, and people are more open to people like them. He also speaks in poetry instead of pros, consequently, they feel respected and smart because they feel respected by Antony. Obama also does this a lot, in his New Hampshire speech he says the word we approximately 60 times, that is about as many times as he says the words the, or and. This makes people feel much more involved with Obama’s campaign, it makes them feel like he is a more personable candidate, being personable makes the voters feel like they should vote for him. Knowing this, Obama puts a big emphasis on the word we. Being personal with people actually helps them feel what you are feeling a lot better and when you are trying to persuade someone that is really

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