Essay On Miracle In The Andes

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72 days in the Andes no food, nothing. I read the book Miracle in the Andes, written by , Nando Parrado. Nando Parrado plays for a rugby team and he and his team go on a trip to play a game. The pilot says there is bad weather, but Nando and his friends start calling the pilot names, so the pilot listens and flies them to their game. But, they did not make it to their game. In the book, Miracle in the Andes, Nando Parrado is a hero because he saves others lives, he survives 72 days in the Andes, and he has faith in God. Nando was a hero in many ways. Roy, Nando’s friend was struggling as they were climbing up the mountain. Nando was hitting him and calling him bad words, so that Roy would get up. “I stomped on Roy’s hips and shoulders with my rugby boots. Roy wept and screamed while I abused him, but finally rose to his feet.” (Parrando 167). It seems like Nando was being mean by beating up Roy and hurting him. But, he was helping him or being a hero. Roy thought he was going to die right on the mountain. Nando would not let that happen. When the plane crashed …show more content…

Nando was one of the few that trusted in God to get them out of the Andes. Although, he did not have faith in God the whole time. He did most of the time. “If there is a God, and if He wanted my attention, He certainly has it now.” (Nando, 85). If Nando did not trust in God, no one would have gotten out of the Andes. Through this whole process in the Andes people got to have a relationship or have a better relationship. God has a reason for everything. In the book, Miracle in the Andes, Nando Parrado is a hero because he saves others lives, he survives 72 day in the Andes, and he has faith in God. Nando is a role model to me because even when he was mad at God or did not like the situation. He still believed in God that He would get them out of the Andes. Everyone should be like Nando and have faith in God even when you don’t feel like

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