Decline Of The Middle Ages Essay

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Every great time period eventually has to come to an end. As time goes by no person will ever know when aspects could start to go wrong. The Middle Ages, from the 5th century to the 15th century, was a time period that was very successful, but came to an abrupt end. The church was the center of attention and beliefs were strictly based off of superstitions. The Middle Ages were composed of and relied on three main systems; feudalism, manorialism, and the Roman Catholic Church. As time passed, all three of these systems were altered dramatically and were basically wiped off the map. The causes of the decline of the Middle Ages were the crusades, growth of towns and cities, the Hundred Year’s War, the rise of nations, the plague, and the Renaissance. …show more content…

The bacteria spread mostly around Italy and Spain. Prior to the plague, the people of Western Europe fully believed attending church and praying to God would keep them safe from harm. However, during the spread of the plague, the people’s prayers were going unanswered. Families lost loved ones. This caused people to lose complete faith in the Pope, God and the Roman Catholic Church. Members of the Roman Catholic Church stopped attending because people wanted to start to focus on seizing the day because so many people were losing loved ones and God was not helping them. (A). The Church wanted people to live for the after life, but the people realized that they should not live that way and they should seize the day. This was the main factor of the decline of the Roman Catholic Church. Since two thirds of the population died, the serfs who survived the plague decided that they wanted more money because they had to do a lot more work. This caused the decline of the feudal system because the serfs gained power and did not want to stay at the bottom of the feudal system. (A). The bubonic plague killed more Europeans than any war up to that time, greatly impacting the Church, feudal system, and the manorial

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