Wrestling Essays

  • Chemistry Of Wrestling Essay

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    major, it is expected that I am only passionate about science and math. It is far from the truth. My true chemistry is with sports. I spend all of my free time indulging in sports related activities such as Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment. I have been a passionate follower of wrestling since I was a young girl. For six nights a week, at least two hours each night, I watched unimaginable matches. These were matches where a guy would jump from the top of the ladder, down onto a guy who was laying on

  • Wrestling Match Narrative

    907 Words  | 4 Pages

    I don’t remember the exact date, but it was during my freshman year, after a wrestling match against Kentwood high school. We were the two best wrestling teams in our division. So, knowing how big this match was, the whole wrestling advertised and promoted it all week. Our efforts paid off because that following Friday the stands were packed. Students from both schools came to support, but one side was going to leave disappointed. Towards the end of the night we were down 7 points, there were two

  • Essay About Wrestling

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    As I sit here after the end of my last wrestling season, I write this essay mostly for myself, reflecting on where my life has gone. Avon Athletics, in specific wrestling, has been there every step of the way. In packets put together by the wrestling head coach, I read about how great the sport of wrestling is from the perspective of a state qualifier. I want to share a different perspective. I want to share the perspective from a wrestler who has lost the passion for the sport he once loved; but

  • Process Analysis Wrestling

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    pinned! Imagine you have been wrestling for five minutes nonstop and it is nine-nine. Exhausted, but have one more minute to pin the opponent, so the winning move is a spladle. Being confident, motivated, strong, tough, and passionate are requirements to succeed throughout wrestling. Although wrestling may get complicated, it is inspirational and motivational while learning the training, complex moves, and takedowns. There are several complex moves in wrestling, for example, the spladle. To begin

  • Wrestling Persuasive Essay

    1008 Words  | 5 Pages

    Wrestling is a tough one on one combat sport that requires a great amount of mental and physical toughness. This sport is all about imposing a will on the opponent until he gives up. There is a small group of individuals who actually take part in the sport due to the hard work, dedication and commitment the sport requires. Dan Gable once said “Once you’ve wrestled, everything else in life is easy” there have been wrestlers who have given a plethora of their blood, sweat and tears for this sport through

  • Wrestling In My Life

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    sophomore year when I joined wrestling. I never expected myself to join a male-dominated sport. However, wrestling ended up making a huge impact in my life because it taught me to have a positive mindset, not to give up easily, always work hard for what you want, and many more. It was part of wrestling that made me who I am today. More importantly, it created a second family and home for me. Wrestling requires both mental and physical aspects. When I joined wrestling, I weighed about 102 pounds.

  • Descriptive Essay: The Wrestling Team

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    There are many definitions of wrestling and this mine, a sport about trying to hold the opponent to the ground, usually according to certain rules and regulations. Before becoming a part of the wrestling team, I hold hardly any self confidence. I am extremely shy, I do not like it when someone calls on me, or standing up for myself. A new week is beginning, nothing is changing. Walking into the wrestling room I still feel the same as I do everyday. My heart pumps hard, palms begin to sweat, and I

  • Personal Narrative: The Joy Of Wrestling

    291 Words  | 2 Pages

    Five years ago I just started wrestling I wasn 't sure how I felt about it yet. I was not very good and got beat on a lot that was not like me to get beat on I was always pretty athletic and good at what I did. Coach was very strict and spent quite a bit of time yelling at me which at the time I did not know he was hard on me because he wanted to see me succeed. Five years ago I would never have thought that wrestling would make me who I am today and put the second brothers I have into my life. I

  • College Essay About Wrestling

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    Wrestling is a different kind of sport. In wrestling, you are pushed to your limit physically and mentally with little to no breaks. Even when you aren’t at practice, you are still being tested by fighting your natural urge to eat and drink. You have to dehydrate and starve yourself a ton so that you can actually make weight for the meets. You also only get to eat food that is super healthy and doesn’t taste good. I have had many experiences where I feel like I want to give up and just drink water

  • Personal Narrative: The Sport Of Wrestling

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    people hate to talk about their failures, and try to avoid it at all cost. Having participated in the interscholastic sport of wrestling, I have been given many opportunities to succeed or fail. I generally succeed most of the time. But I have failed, and failed at important times. What I do with these failures is more important than the wins. The way Ohio amateur wrestling works is there are two qualifying competitions to enter the State Tournament. You enter Sectionals, where top four placers go

  • Personal Narrative Essay: The Benefits Of Wrestling

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    sweaty guys grab each other? Who doesn’t? This is the general idea of wrestling. I have heard this several times from my peers and I laugh every time that someone comments like that. Wrestling is more than just a sport, it is a lifestyle. Wrestling has taught me more than just hard work and dedication. Wrestling is one of those sports that you just so happen to have your summer body in the winter and vice versa. During wrestling you have to lose weight, spend countless hours waiting in between matches

  • Wrestling As A Freshman's Argumentative Essay

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    wrestle. I thankfully made the right choice in deciding to wrestle in high school. Coming into the season I had no intentions to wrestle heavyweight as a freshman because I had only wrestled for a year and I didn’t have a lot of experience with wrestling. As the season went on, the starting heavyweight at the time hurt his shoulder then I got bumped up from JV to varsity. Right before Christmas break

  • Wrestling Benefits

    1615 Words  | 7 Pages

    "More enduring than any other sport, wrestling teaches self-control and pride. Some have wrestled without skill, none have wrestled without pride."(Dan Gable, Brainy Quote) I began wrestling at the age of seven, not understanding the impact that it would have on my life. Wrestling took me on a journey over the next eleven years and taught me many useful life lessons. These teachings made me realize that I wanting to become a wrestling coach. Why is wrestling the best sport to get kids involved

  • My First Wrestling Match Essay

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    My First Wrestling Match There were about two weeks before my first wrestling match. After a tough practice, I went to check my weight like everyone else does, and my heart sunk as I realize that I am six pounds over my weight class. The weight class I am wrestling in is one hundred and thirteen pounds, but I weigh one hundred and nineteen. I was very nervous that my coach would find out and be displeased with me. I began to worry because being six pounds over meant that I could only eat a little

  • Narrative Essay About Wrestling

    2183 Words  | 9 Pages

    I was not ready. That was always my excuse. But I never knew how much fun it was to lose. Wrestling was a sport I have wanted to do since at least my sixth grade year, if not earlier. Physical contact sports always intrigued me, and I wanted nothing more than to play them. Hockey, football, soccer, wrestling, they all appealed to me in more ways than one, but my mother only ever let me play soccer. She had that old fashioned thinking, and believed that girls should be cheerleaders and volleyball

  • Personal Narrative Essay About Wrestling

    499 Words  | 2 Pages

    Walking down through the tunnel of the Hershey Arena has been one of my most decorated moments in my high school career. Last March I had the amazing opportunity of reaching the State Tournament for wrestling. Not only was it the first time I have reached the state tournament, but also Scranton Prep’s first wrestler. Walking through the tunnel and hearing the loud roar of the stadium as they announced my match, something that is so unbelievably unexplainable left me with a stomach full of butterflies

  • Comparison Of Wrestling And Greco-Roman Wrestling

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    Wrestling/ Greco-Roman Wrestling Possibly the world's oldest sport with traces that go back 5000 years in the sumerian era, in which contestants struggle hand-to-hand attempt to throw or take down their opponent without striking blows. Some wrestling styles include freestyle, greco-roman and catch-as-catch-can. According to UFC fight maker Shawn Shelby, “... Wrestling is really I think is the most crucial element of MMA. Because if you are a wrestler, you decide where the fight takes place, you

  • Persuasive Essay Wrestling

    1390 Words  | 6 Pages

    Wrestling is one of the oldest sports on the earth today. Dating all the way back to 708 B.C.; although wrestling was founded by the Greeks it has become popular in many cultures today. However, as deep as wrestling is in history, the International Olympic Committee made a decision to drop wrestling from the list of sports to be announced in the 2020 Summer Olympic Games. Seven months later they withdrew their decision to drop it, but the initial decision got many thinking. With wrestling having

  • Argumentative Essay On Professional Wrestling

    2357 Words  | 10 Pages

    Professional wrestling, for better or for worse, has always paid heavy attention to the physiques of those who step into the ring. The fans like extremes, or at least that’s the theory. They want to see absurdly muscly performers battle it out with ridiculously overweight opponents, which has led to some pretty interesting bodies over the years. However, chiselled physiques are quite difficult to maintain and fat bodies are unadvisable to maintain, which means for every awe-inspiring body in pro

  • Non Store Wrestling Research Paper

    525 Words  | 3 Pages

    and at home to determine the victor. Many sports advertise challenging competitions similar to wrestling; however, few come close to the grueling confrontation. Wrestling encompasses mental and physical strength and techniques which determines the outcome of a match. These important components of wrestling have endured for centuries. As a wrestler, I have incorporated these characteristic from wrestling into my daily lifestyle of training. Mental fortitude comes from the long, hard, and strenuous