Vivian Solon Essays

  • June Jordan A Poem About My Rights Summary

    1854 Words  | 8 Pages

    June Jordan, a poet who is famous for her positive blaze of justice, writes poetry while advocating a command for universal equity, which appeals to people from various areas of the world. Jordan’s poetry speaks of American issues as well as international issues, such as African countries that are oppressed by their neighbouring countries. One of Jordans poems, ‘A Poem About My Rights’ serves as a resentment against the world’s oppression, however it also serves as a mandate for change. This essay

  • Fear In The Crucible

    819 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Crucible: How Fear Changes People During his first Inaugural Address, Franklin D. Roosevelt once announced, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. Fear manipulates a persons rationality resulting in them behaving in ways they normally would not, especially in the story The Crucible written by Arthur Miller. The characters in The Crucible allow fear to manipulate their beliefs and actions. They all know what is right, but fear alters their mindset causing them to act differently. Therefore

  • The Demon Lover Elizabeth Bowen Analysis

    1069 Words  | 5 Pages

    Analysis of “The Demon Lover” Reliving a past experience can often cause someone to have a relapse of those exact emotions of feelings. Elizabeth Bowen often uses her own life experiences throughout her work. Bowen often portrays herself as the main character. Bowen gives her readers a chance to read little bit and pieces of how her life was during the Blitz and World War II. In the short story “The Demon Lover” Elizabeth Bowen uses internal conflict to portray the effects of war.Mrs. Drover through

  • Dialogue In The Oliver Twist

    768 Words  | 4 Pages

    In this essay, various aspects, behaviors, and moods of different characters from two completely different stories are going to be revealed by analyzing the dialogue in the text namely “The Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens and “A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man” by James Joyce. In “The Oliver Twist” Oliver Twist, an innocent, brave boy who was suffering the horrors of slow starvation for three months along with his friends and only being served one small bowl of gruel per day. During

  • Symbolism In Blood Wedding

    1081 Words  | 5 Pages

    In Lorca’sconflict themed play;Blood Wedding , symbolism is a dominating literature technique that forebodes the significant events that occur. The protagonist of the play, Leonardo, is seen to have a rebellious attitude towards society. The horse is perceived to be a symbol of occurrences that foreshadows his destiny, which is his death caused by his desire to attain individuality in the repressive society he lives in. This is especially prominent in the morbid lullaby sang by his mother and wife

  • Abigail The Accuser In The Crucible

    744 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abigail the Accuser (A Discussion on what Abby could have done to lessen the conflict) The play The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, took place in Salem, Massachusetts, in the late 1600s. This play starts out with many girls from Salem trying to conjure up spirits to get boys to like them. Mr. Parris, a pastor at the Salem church, caught the girls in the act of trying to conjure up spirits, and interrupted it which scared everyone. When he did this, some of the girls were passed out and wouldn't wake

  • Romeo And Juliet And Lord Capulet Relationship Analysis

    826 Words  | 4 Pages

    People in relationships are like puzzle pieces, some of them fit and some do not. In the play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, Juliet and her father, Lord Capulet are the puzzle pieces. The two family members have a complex family relationship. Throughout the play their relationship is tested. Lord Capulet wants the best for his daughter and has different opinions on Juliet's future compared to her own. Juliet married a member of the Montague house which her family has been in a fued

  • Looking For America Quote Analysis

    721 Words  | 3 Pages

    Quote “She seemed so helpless with her soft yellow feathers, slender twiggy legs and small webbed feet. One small gust of wind and she would be blown away.” Pg. 73 Response I think that Adeline can relate to PLT. I’m sure that Adeline chose PLT cause she saw herself in her. She is considered bad luck and maybe she feels helpless. I think that she thinks that Aunt Baba is the only one that cares about her and that she wants PLT to think that about her. Quote “As soon as I said this, I felt

  • Deserto Antosso Film Analysis Essay

    1300 Words  | 6 Pages

    Il Deserto Rosso: Film Analysis Il Deserto Rosso – Red Desert is an Italian film from 1964 directed by Michelangelo Antonioni. The plot of the film focuses on the events that revolve around Giuliana (Monica Vitti), a woman who is living a deep inner crisis. After, an attempted suicide, which is disguised as a car accident, Giuliana’s mental state is compromised. The woman is affected by continuous neurosis, which preclude her the possibility of leading a normal life. Giuliana is married to Ugo (Carlo

  • Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife

    1121 Words  | 5 Pages

    In both movie adaptation and novel the social hierarchy of the characters in “Of Mice and Men” is clear. Curley’s wife ranks lower on this social hierarchy than most workers, including Lennie, a mentally-challenged man, and Candy, a old crippled man. The only dominance she can assert is over a black crippled man, but she, unlike Crooks, is not even awarded the respect of being named. While the movie adaptation focuses on the vulnerability and victimization of Curley’s wife and the text focuses on

  • Looking For Alaska And Catcher In The Rye Analysis

    1010 Words  | 5 Pages

    In the novels Looking For Alaska by John Green and Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger both main characters demonstrate the importance of forgiveness. To make change do you have to forgive? That is the big question. Holden and Miles each have this big perspective on this world. They see this world as a cruel never ending cycle no one will solve , but does anyone really no the actual purpose of why we are here or what we should be doing. They sure think they have it all figured out , but with a change

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Jk Rowley Speech

    877 Words  | 4 Pages

    Rhetorical Analysis – J.K. Rowling “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination” The author of the famous Harry Potter series - J.K. Rowling held this speech during a graduation ceremony at Harvard University. The speech was to the Harvard graduates from June 5, 2008 and was held outside in the famous ‘Old Harvard Yard’ as a tradition. The purpose of the speech was to celebrate and congratulate the graduating class. Her speech is a motivational speech for the graduates but

  • The False Gems Summary

    1325 Words  | 6 Pages

    The False Gems was a short story published in 1883, which was a work typical of Guy de Maupassant’s style. The deep and profound social reality reflected in the story is always a highlight of Maupassant’s short novel, and The False Gems is no exception. It was only a 4500-word story, completely show French society’s reality in the 19th century through objective description and meaningful irony, though. As the skillful use of irony in the text really contributes a lot to the expression of the theme

  • The Stolen Party Analysis

    1100 Words  | 5 Pages

    The social class system is a phenomenon experienced around the world. High class individuals live fancy, pampered lives and spend time with other members of the upper class while members of the middle and lower classes spend time with other members of the middle and lower class. There is a difference in how high class people interact with lower class people. They often talk down on lower class members and treat them with less respect. “The Stolen Party” is a story that highlights these characteristics

  • Comparing John Updike And Toni Cade Bambara's The Lesson

    873 Words  | 4 Pages

    Loss of Innocence In John Updike’s “A&P” and Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson” the two authors illustrate difficult initiations teenagers face while they realize the harshness of society around them. Updike’s “A&P” explores the inner thoughts of a teenage boy, Sammy, who makes the tough decision to quit his job at the local A&P and realizes the bitterness of the world. Similarly, Bambara’s “The Lesson” explores the inner thoughts of a teenage girl, Sylvia, who realizes the value of money and clash

  • Loneliness Revealed In Jane Austen's The Fallen Angel

    907 Words  | 4 Pages

    Soon as she screamed the last words of her sorrow, that old book was somehow gleaming so brightly then pulled Ana into an unknown dimension and everything turned dark. . . . . . “Unghh Where is this? Ahh what has happened recently?” Ana said while slowly rubbed her painful head and walk around that weird place to find a clue. However when she saw the leaves from the trees in front of her, she suddenly realized that she was no longer in the real world for even the trees there looked just like a piece

  • The Influence Of Freedom In Literature

    1408 Words  | 6 Pages

    Authors write stories sometimes based on their beliefs, despite conflicting influences like society or normalities of time. Because of this, their themes can be quite straightforward and based on the time period. In Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour,” Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper,” and Susan Glaspell's “A Jury of Her Peers,” the female protagonists have the craving for freedom from their state of living; this passion of freedom shapes their environment and influences on the

  • Atonement Theme

    1017 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Initiation Theme in Atonement From a jealous girl whose mind is full of unrealistic thoughts to a young nurse who is extremely regretful for what she has done, and finally to an old and famed writer who wants to make atonement for her mistake through writing, Briony, the heroine in Atonement written by Ian McEwan finally achieves self-understanding and learns the essence of life in a long and painful way. As initiation story is the kind of novel which “may be said to show its young protagonist

  • Delia Swot Analysis

    1432 Words  | 6 Pages

    ¨Sweat¨ by Zora Neale Hurtson focuses on the life of Delia Jones of whom is married to Sykes Jones. Delia, as the protagonist of the story, has gone through different events that have molded her to become the person she never intended to become. Initially she was exposed to the reader as a hard working woman, for the author states "...She was a wash-woman, and Monday morning meant a great deal to her". The following sequence of events shall demonstrate how a beautiful woman was put through disrespect

  • Slave Argumentative Essay

    799 Words  | 4 Pages

    I would like to start this report by writing that I think that the slaves were treated very poorly, they were beaten, that a big thing that I noticed, and everyone wouldn’t take them seriously because of what race they were. The slaves really were brave, especially the way they talked to each other, for example when Jane was talking about going to Ohio, and she says, “Y’all just sorry y’all ain’t got nobody waiting for y’all nowhere,” (chapter 3 pg. 19) if I talked to another like that I think my