Slasher film Essays

  • Jean-Pierre Jeunet: The City Of Lost Children

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    Jeunet had a very intense imagination that later brought him major success from the beginning of his film career to now. As early as eight years old, Jeunet began experimentation in filmmaking when he rented out a small theater for a short story he wrote. Around the age of 17, he began to extensively watch movies and TV to analyze details of film language. He especially enjoyed picking apart American films, which he believed were a bit too tacky for his taste. Jeunet is well known for his unique style

  • Gothic Literature Analysis

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    gothic, and many readers will probably picture gloomy castles ... However, the truth is that the gothic genre has continued to flourish and evolve … producing some of its most interesting and accomplished examples in the 20th century-in literature, film and beyond – Carlos Ruiz Zafon.1 1.1. Gothic Meaning and Definition Notoriously, Gothic is hard to confine. This term signifies variety of meanings. As a historical term, Gothic derives from “Goth,” the name of one of the northern Germanic tribes

  • The Damsel In Distress Analysis

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    David Slovikosky IRLS 150b1 Professor: Lenhart Section: 001 Damsel in Distress Analysis The Damsel in Distress series by Anita Sarkeesian explores a worrying trope found everywhere in many old and new video games. Traditionally, a damsel in distress is the male hero's wife or love interest who is helpless and is in need of mercy killing or rescuing. Women are portrayed as "disposable objects or symbolic pawns" (Sarkeesian) in these kinds of games. Sarkeesian states that this theme "normalizes extremely

  • Gender Stereotypes In Horror Films Essay

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    with ways of thinking and acting towards people of this particular group, therefore affecting communication and perception in reality. Dolf Zillmann and James Weaver looked into the study of horror films and the gender stereotyped behavior. They concluded that “girls and female adolescents [in horror films] who are witnessed displaying fearfulness and protective need in the face of terror on the screen are more favorably evaluated by male and female peers and non-peers than their counterparts who are

  • A Nightmare On Elm Street Book Comparison

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    A slasher film is a term used to describe a set of horror films. The usual characteristics of a slasher film involve a stalker that hides in the shadows, young adult victims, and of course, a load of gory murder. Both A Nightmare On Elm Street and Saw have the classic elements of a slasher film but differ significantly. The Saw movie franchise brings a new age curve to the horror movie genre with morals and lessons taught by each intricate trap made by the infamous Jigsaw. On the other hand, A Nightmare

  • John Carpenter Research Paper

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    In 1978, John Carpenter released his horror film Halloween, which would not only go on to become not only the most important slasher films, however, it would be one the most successful independent movies ever made. The low-budget film was produced at $300,000 and grossed over $50 million after its release. The film begins by introducing it notorious, evil killer and psychopath, Michael Myers. Michael Meyers began his reign of terror as a boy, killing his older sister, Judith on Halloween night in

  • Analyzing Laurie Strode's Essay 'Final Girl'

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    Final Girl in the film, Halloween. Laurie is a considered a Final Girl because she resembles most of the characteristics. She is intelligent, was the first person to realize that a killer was after her, can defend herself against Michael, and she also tends to present herself in a masculine way. Alien is usually categorized as a science fiction horror movie, but it shares many qualities of the slasher subgenre. In Carol J. Clover’s essay, “Her Body, Himself: Gender in the slasher film” she attempts to

  • Persuasive Essay On The Final Girls

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    The Classic slasher film is an idea of a movie genre that would involve a killer as a hunter hunting their prey in an animalistic or old fashion type of way. These killers would constantly stalk and hunt a person or even multiple people slowly revealing themselves to them by killing the people that their main target knows or has been seen by them to give them the idea that they are next or they are involved. Then typically to go along with the stalking behavior their murder method would be the brutalization

  • Taking A Closer Look At The Film Scream

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    When you put a well-known television actress as a horror heroine with a bunch of other child star actors into one thriller movie you will end up with an amazing slasher movie. Scream is an intricate “who done it” film with any characters and creative kill scenes that make it impossible to tell who the kill is. It is the classic film who originated the famous “Do you like scary movies?” line and the well-known “Ghost Face” mask, and with that Scream is was off and running into the hearts of all horror

  • Tropes In Psycho

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    Beginning with Psycho (1960), American culture has been obsessed with the gender implications of horror films. Feminists and non-feminists alike have explored the meanings of the roles of different women in horror films ranging from slasher and stalker movies to possession movies. What does this obsession reveal about our social values and our society’s fears? Prior research has focused on the feminine being portrayed through one of two major tropes: the final girl or the monstrous girl. These tropes

  • Tension In Horror Films

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    he horror movie genre is all about eliciting from its audience emotions such as fright, terror, or disgust. Horror films typically have an unsettling theme, such as a serial killer on the loose, and bloody or "shocking" scenes designed to startle viewers. Most include certain characteristics that help them achieve their "dark" objectives. Atmosphere Dark scenes filled with disturbing shadows and strange and alarming props are typically seen in horror movies. These scenes reflect the eerie atmosphere

  • Psychological Themes In Alfred Hitchcock's Horror Film Psycho

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    Psycho (1960) Alfred Hitchcocks powerful and complex psychological thriller, horror film “Psycho” (1960) was classes as the first sub genre of horror, the slasher. The film ushered in the era of slashes with graphic content of blood-letting and shocking killings of the time. Although this was Hitchcock’s first horror film, he was labelled as a horror film director ever since. The film contains disturbing themes of corruptibility, confused identities, voyeurism, human vulnerabilities and victimisation

  • Psychoanalytic Revist Of The Killer And Final Girl

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    and Final Girl Slasher Movies from the horror genre of film are significant in that film theorists such as Carol J. Clover analyzed their potential as a psychoanalytical approach to feminist critique. Clover utilizes Laura Mulvey’s extraordinaire essay, “Visual Pleasure And Narrative Cinema,” as a framework to incorporate psychoanalysis to analyze the slasher film Final Girl and Killer. While slasher movies are frowned upon by the general public, as Clover puts it, “The slasher film, not despite but

  • Final Girl Research Paper

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    concept is most common in horror films. In this essay, I will give examples of Final Girls and how they are portrayed in horror movies. Don’t Breathe Three thieves- Rocky,

  • Editing Analysis: Jaws

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    Jaws Editing Analysis The Principal Photography for Jaws bean on May 2, 1974. The film was distributed by Universal Pictures. It made $470 million dollars on a $3.5 million-dollar budget. It is still the seventh highest grossing film of all-time. Jaws was directed by Steven Spielberg and edited by Verna Fields. Jaws won 3 Academy Awards they were for editing, best original dramatic score, and another for best sound. Jaws had many production issues when it came to the building of the shark to be

  • Final Girl Essay

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    In Tyler Shields 2015 film “Final Girl”, seventeen-year-old trained assassin Veronica, played by Abigail Breslin, is sent on her first mission to kill four teenage boys that have been murdering girls in the woods. Where in a typical slasher setup there is one, typically male, killer murdering a group of teens; in Final Girl there is one female assassin murdering a group of killer boys. The film is set in a modernized version of 1950’s small town America and explores themes of gendered violence and

  • Compare And Contrast The Horror Films Of The 1960's

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    between 1960’s horror movies and 2000’s horror movies, along with many differences. Horror movies are films that contain blood and guts, as well as weapons and death. Movies of the 1960’s have many similar ideas, whether it was encouragement to other horror movies or just having a similar antagonist. There were many popular movies in the 1960’s and they had less gore and less CGI throughout the film. One of the most popular movies of 1960’s is the famous Alfred Hitchcock movie “Psycho (1960)”. Psycho

  • Slide 4: Image Of Laurie From Halloween (Item 2)

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    final girls in slasher films, as she is strong, intelligent and rather masculine in both terms of appearance and physical qualities. At the end of the film, she is faced with the killer and manages to survive. Unlike Marion Crane, she isn’t sexually promiscuous or sinful, suggesting that this is the reason for her survival. Laurie’s representations are generally positive; there is no graphic violence

  • Stephan King: Why We Crave Horror Movies

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    There are multiple people who are intrigue and love horror movies without knowing the reason. In Stephan Kings essay, “Why We Crave Horror Movies” he does his best to find an answer to the question “why do people crave horror movies?” Throughout his essay he came up with certain key points to answer the question. At the beginning of his essay, he makes a bold statement that “we are all mentally ill.” He motions that people just watch horror movies to portray their fearlessness while suppressing their

  • Essay On Madea Halloween

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    “A Madea Halloween” movie will be funny, scary, and dramatic. I believe people should go watch this movie because Tyler Perry has a background for making funny and dramatic movies. In the past, he has produced dramatic movies like Madea’s Big Happy Family and Diary of a Mad Black Woman. From the commercial preview, the movie “A Madea Halloween” will be funny because of Madea's funny voice along with her other great character skills that make an audience laugh. Madea persuaded me that the movie would