Roman Emperor Essays

  • Are Roman Emperors Good Or Bad

    585 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ancient Roman civilization is considered an important point in human history. The Ancient Roman Empire lasted for almost 1500 years. Over the course of those years the Roman Empire had many emperors. Again, some emperors were good, and even great, but some were bad, very bad. Some of the worst emperors in Ancient Rome’s history were Commodus, Nero, and Caligula. These rulers are considered as some of the worst emperors Ancient Rome had to offer. However, Caligula is the worst emperor in all

  • Flavius Honorius Augustus: The West Roman Emperor

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    father Honorius and Arcadius divided the Roman Empire. Honorius was the West Roman Emperor from 393 to 423. Flavius Honorius held the consulate at the age of 2 and was made co ruler on the 23rd of January 393 after the death of the roman emperor Valentinian II. Honorius died at the age of 38 in 15 August 423 in Ravenna, Italy. The Roman Empire was divided into east and west. The West was ruled by Emperor Honorius and the east was ruled by his brother Emperor Arcadius. For the first part of his reign

  • Gaius Quintus Decius, The Roman Emperor In The King

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    Gaius Messius Quintus Decius was the Roman Emperor who ruled from 249 AD to 251 AD. Little is known about Decius’s life before becoming a military leader, which ended in his ascension to the throne. However, a few scholars have attempted to piece together what information is known. Geoffrey Nathan is one such author. In his article, "Trajan Decius (249-251 A.D.) and Usurpers during His Reign”, Nathan indicates that Decius was born into an aristocratic senatorial family around 201 AD. According to

  • Claudius: The Best Roman Emperor

    437 Words  | 2 Pages

    Claudius was a strange, but an amazing emperor. He did many great things and is sometimes considered one of the best Roman Emperor ever. He was the first emperor not be born in Italy, he reformed the military and financial affairs, and he was terrible at finding love. One incident resulted in his death. He was also the first emperor to be made emperor by the praetorian guard. He was ridiculed by his family and everyone in town because of what he was born with. Even though, Claudius had many deforms

  • The Characteristics Of Nero, The Roman Emperor

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    Nero, The Roman Emperor. The Roman Empire is known for fabulous culture, brutal wars, social upheaval and fascinating leadership. Although being a republic for around four hundred years, its emperors often define the Roman Empire. Some of them are bad, some of them good. Nero who lived from December fifteen A.D 37 to June ninth 68 was one of the most terrible emperors and was remembered as a very unreliable person and a very big liar. ( William G, 16 October 2014) Nero was born in Antium, a beautiful

  • Roman Emperor Caracalla Analysis

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    The Roman Emperor Caracalla, opines the Roman senator – and writer – Cassius Dio, in one of eighty tomes on the minutiae and particulars of Roman history, issued the Antonine Constitution of 212 AD – a decree that tendered the privilege of formal Roman citizenship to the peregrini – not as a measure of any goodwill felt towards these, but as an effort “to increase his [own] income,” for peregrini, as Dio points out, “did not [have to] pay most” of the taxes Roman citizens had to pay (Levick 78).

  • Roman Emperor Constantine The Great

    286 Words  | 2 Pages

    influential people in the development of the Early Church was definitely The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. In 312 C.E Constantine reached Rome to claim the throne because of a vision Constantine had. His vision promised him that he would conquer through a special sign, the sign of Christ. So that’s what he did and he succeeded. In 313, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which gave Christians the freedom of worship in the Roman Empire. Another council that Constantine was a part of that helped the

  • Holy Roman Emperor Research Paper

    572 Words  | 3 Pages

    Charles V and I, Holy Roman Emperor was perhaps the strongest single individual that the European monarchy ever had come to power. Owing to his impressive lineage, he inherited the Kingdom of Italy, Spain (Castile and Aragon), and was elected as the Holy Roman Emperor. Yet, he decided that being emperor was not worthwhile and – amazingly – abdicated his titles and retires to a monastery. There would be a million interesting topics to explore in an hour. Most notably, this would include a frank discussion

  • How Did Roman Emperors Use Propaganda

    268 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Roman Emperors were absolute rulers who held great power but their reigns success depended on many factors with the most important one being, loyalty from his Empire and everyone in it. In order for the emperors to remain in power they needed the public to be in their favour, which includes the countries that became a part of the Roman Empire through colonization. They did so by manipulating architecture to depict a positive representation of themselves to help them gain favour from their people

  • Nero Was Responsible For The Worst Roman Emperors

    756 Words  | 4 Pages

    HISTORY-Nero Emperor Nero Arguably the Worst Emperors of Rome Nero’s life was not the best but he also was not the best person. He also dealt with fires and multiple disasters. He made people listen to him sing, made them suffer being burned at the stake, and more. He is also arguably one of the world’s worst Roman emperors in the entire history of Rome. I say arguably because he also did many things in the beginning of his rein of power like lowering the taxes, plays, and games. But he is known

  • How Did The Roman Emperors Fall After Octavian

    1075 Words  | 5 Pages

    How did the respect of the Roman Emperors fall after Octavian? The respect of the Roman Emperors fell after Octavian because the bloodline was lost and the emperors did some shady things to lose the respect of their people. “Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.” - Unknown. The Roman Empire came around during the reign of Octavian. Octavian was the first Emperor of Rome. Emperors were born into royalty by the bloodline. It was, what is now known as the Golden

  • Frederick II: An Unusual Emperor Of The Holy Roman Empire

    305 Words  | 2 Pages

    Frederick II The reading “Frederick II” is about an unusual emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Frederick II was a man of great ability who was infatuated with nature. The biggest contributions of Frederick II were the effects of his battle against the Church. Frederick II began to clash with the church when he announced that he regarded Jesus, and for that matter all the other major religions, to be frauds. This was a radical idea in the middle ages, the Age of Faith. Although Frederick allowed

  • Dialect In Greek Language Research Paper

    1543 Words  | 7 Pages

    drawing symbol is a consonant-vowel combination. Linear B dates from the Mycenaean civilization. In the late 9th and early 8th century BC, the language found was based on the Phoenician syllabary, written from left to right and back again. This form of inscription is the closest to the modern language of today Athens was conquered in the fourth century B.C. by King Philip of Macedonia. Alexander the Great, Philip’s son, who was tutored by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, set out to conquer the world

  • Greek Mythology In Ancient Greek Society

    1566 Words  | 7 Pages

    Greek mythology can be viewed as a mirror to the ancient Greek civilization. Ancient Greek myths and legends often reflected how the Greeks saw themselves. Myths were used by Greeks to make justifications of every existing aspect of earth as well as their own society. In myths, Greek gods & heroes often represented key aspects of the human civilization. From Greek mythology, we can learn about the favorable characteristics of humans, such as their behavior and valuable skills that were approved of

  • Vladimir III: The Principles Of An Absolute Monarch

    804 Words  | 4 Pages

    of the support they gave him. Vlad the Impaler was able to display Absolute Monarchy through his Divine Right of Kingship. According to Source D: Royal Blood From The East, Vlad developed a plan to secure his own personal and the backing of the Roman Catholic Church. The common people from the countryside raised songs about the generosity and piety of Prince Vlad, the prince sent by God to keep the lands safe. This proves how the church was behind Vlad and agreed with all the decisions he made

  • Fall Of The Habsburg Empire Essay

    737 Words  | 3 Pages

    not be the biggest reasons as to why the Habsburg empire fell. The first significant events that eventually led to the rise of this great empire started during the reign of Rudolph I, the Count of Habsburg. In 1273, Rudolph I was elected Holy Roman Emperor and in 1278, he “fought for and won the archduchy of Austria and the lands around Vienna” (Pelling 2). Over the many periods of its existence, the Habsburgs built a huge empire “covering about

  • Anna Comnena Research Paper

    1938 Words  | 8 Pages

    I would prefer to first discuss the Alexiad, as it is unique from other historical documents I’ve read in the sense that it is a biography written by a princess about her father. Anna Comnena, the author of the Alexiad, was the daughter of Emperor Alexius and Empress Irene. Anna Comnena considered herself to be a rightful princess, and a well-educated woman. She was educated particularly well in Greek literature, the philosophy of Aristotle and Plato, as well as what were then considered to be the

  • Hernan Cortes: The Conqueror Of The New World

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    The conqueror of the Aztecs, murder of an empire, and a kidnapper, all of these can be used to describe Hernán Cortés. Cortes 's early life steered his choices and future. The “New World” hardened and changed him. These changes helped him conquer his enemies. His achievements and legacy changed the world for the future. Cortés’s early life was what molded him for the future. He was born to an upper class family and was born around 1485 in Medellín, Spain. He was somewhat infirm

  • Romeo And Juliet Tragic Hero Essay

    791 Words  | 4 Pages

    More specifically, she was born in Vienna, Austria on November 2, 1755 (4). The 11th daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and the empress Maria Theresa, Marie Antoinette was brought up in a wealthy family and was said to be favorited by her parents (1). When she was younger, she enjoyed music and played the harp. Marie Antoinette, along with her brothers

  • What Does Life Mean In The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius

    418 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius was also a philosopher, and in a book of his collected sayings, he wrote: The universe is change; life is opinion. This statement may be interpreted in many ways, depending on the individual trying to decipher it. I feel that philosophy is a summary of life’s struggles put into one sentence, giving us insight to what life really means. As for myself, I can think of a few ways of what this statement means, why this statement is true, and how it applies to my life