Why Do African Americans Deserve Reparation?

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Without the American culture questioning the fact that slavery has caused pain for many people, how would we be able to determine whether or not it is possible to mend supposed pain? Or better yet, how do we as a country restore this pain? Is it fair to say that ancestor’s of American slaves have had troubles resulting directly from the actions of slavery? If so, would that not be justified reasoning for the ancestors themselves to deserve reparations? Due to the hardships and struggles enforced upon the African American culture, wouldn’t it only seem fair that they be compensated in some way for their services rendered unwillingly? The slavery, rape, murders, etc. are things that need to be addressed. How long should they suffer for reasons unknown?
As Americans we need to seriously consider what it would have been like to endure these wrongs and what should be done to make it right. In other words, “For 246 years” Africans were taken from their homeland and put on “slave ships that trailed blood and corpses.” (Robinson) The men were beaten and killed and the women were raped. They were expected to work day and night with no compensation. After slavery was abolished, they were still treated with hate and disrespect.
Blacks were unable to sit with or use the same …show more content…

I also feel that reparations should be given to all Americans who were wronged i.e., Native Americans. The reason being many family members and friends were lost, hurt or drastically injured therefore they should receive some type of recognition. Considering the fact that blacks were removed from their native land and brought here, they will always trail behind whites financially and statistically in status. Because of their expectations to work from “dusk to dawn” without pay, the whites had already created a black deficit.

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