Who Was Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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The Death of Romeo and Juliet The star crossed lovers tried to overcome a substantial amount of challenges in order to live the loving and affectionate life they intended for, however given their circumstances, they were ill fated. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, written by Shakespeare, the couples marriage was cut short due to a series of events caused by multiple characters in the play. Characters such as the couples themselves could have been held responsible for their death due to their reckless decisions influenced by love and immaturity. Even the Nurse can take part of the blame due to her misguidance for Juliet. However, Friar Laurence and the couple's parents should be held most responsible for the tradegy of Romeo and Juliet because …show more content…

The feud between the two families sent many events into motion such as when Mercutio challenges Tybalt by saying, “O calm dishonourable, vile submission!/ Alla stoccata carries it away. (draws his sword)/ Tybalt, you ratcatcher, will you walk?” (3.1. 70-71). Mercutio perectly demonstrates the feud between the two families as he challenges Tybalt to a fight which leads to the death of Mercutio. The death of Mercutio had angered Romeo enough for him to kill his cousin Tybalt, thus leading to a series of events such as Romeo being exiled, Juliet drinking the potion, and ultimately the death of the couple. If not for the feud, Romeo would not have fought Tybalt or have gotten exiled. Furthermore, if the feud between the families didn't exist, Juliet wouldn't have been forced “ To go with Paris to Saint Peter's Church,/ Or [he] will drag thee on a hurdle thither,” (3.5. 154-155). Without the feud, Juliet's parents would have known about her marriage with Romeo and would not have forced her to marry Paris. Since her parents were not informed of her first marriage, she was forced to marry again, which made Juliet go to the Friar to get the potion which gradually led to both Juliet and Romeo's death. All things considered, the couples death would have been prevented if the two families did not have such a burning hatred for one

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