Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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Being responsible is being the leading cause of something and being able to be blamed or credited for it. A responsible person will have a higher chance of success because they aren’t weighed down by guilt. In William Shakespeare’s drama The Tragedy of Macbeth, three witches tell Macbeth he will be King of Scotland, which prompts him to kill King Duncan and commit other heinous crimes. Some readers believe Macbeth is at fault while others argue Macbeth completely is a victim. Macbeth is responsible because he commits the murders and pays others to do so. Macbeth is responsible for his action because Macbeth chooses to believe the witches and the prophecies. For example, Macbeth says “If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir” (1. 3. 143-144). Macbeth thinks fate wants to give him the role of king without him having to do anything. Macbeth believes the witches because fate made him a …show more content…

For example, Macbeth demands “ I conjure you by that which you profess howe’er you come to know it- answer me” (4.1. 50-51). Macbeth is commanding the witches to answer his questions with their power, no matter how they get to know the answers. Macbeth has trust in the witches and is desperate of knowing what is to come, him being desperate and having trust in the witches ruins him as king. Furthermore, Macbeth commands “I will be satisfied. Deny me this, and an eternal curse fall on you! Let me know.” (4.1. 104-105). Macbeth is demanding to be satisfied and is threatening to curse them if they deny him answers an eternal curse will be cast on them. Macbeth has been so far unaware of the witches poisoning his mind with prophecies and making him greedy. Macbeth’s ambitiousness and also recklessness with knowing his fate corrupted him as a king. Overall, Macbeth is at fault for his own actions after demanding to know more from the evil

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