Who Is Abigail Williams Admirable In The Crucible

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The Crucible is a 1953 play by American playwright Arthur Miller.It is a dramatized and partially fictionalized story of the salem witch trials that took place in the Massachusetts bay colony during 1692/93. Some readers may believe Abigail is the most admirable in the book the Crucible because She bears most of the responsibility for the girls meeting with Tituba in the woods Other readers believe Abigail Williams is the despicable character in the book because she lies, and a promiscuous girl.
In the first place, Abigail lies about not doing witchcraft in the woods. She exaggerates seeing the devil, she was fibbing about who she saw with the devil, accusing innocent people. More towards people she disliked, or wanted to get rid of. Consequently, Elizabeth was one of the women Abigail wanted out of her way to get to John Proctor, that meant Abigail was willing to do anything to replace Elizabeth. In the book Abigail lied about seeing Goody Proctor with the devil " I seen Goody Proctor with the devil!"(1156)CM …show more content…

while his wife was sick after being with child. Abigail had Fantasized that she and John would be something more, she had the ambition to get rid of Elizabeth. Betty said to Abigail, and I quote, “you did, you did! You drank a charm to kill John proctor’s wife! You drank a charm to kill goody proctor". (1137)CM Abigail thought Elizabeth was the main reason she and John could not be together. Abigail was given a town name by the society of Salem, she was known as the broad of the town.
Similarly, Abigail and John were despicable because they were both sinners of their town. John Proctor is a sinner because he cheated on his wife, and does not attend church. Abigail was considered a "Jezebel" of the town, which was a sin. Abigail was known to be a habitual

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