Personal Statement Of Purpose To Attend Tulsa Welding School

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I’m currently taking a welding class in High School and I have already achieved a couple of certs. This year i’m entering the TSA competition hoping to win district and maybe even be a state champion. The reasons why I would like to attend Tulsa Welding School is to further my education on welding and it’s also a small sized school located close to home.
Tulsa Welding School is only specific for welding and pipefitting and doesn’t have other courses, so you can focus only on what you are really there for. The welding program only takes
7 months to complete, where in other schools it would take about 2 years. That is one of the advantages of going to Tulsa Welding School the time it saves you and the quicker you get go out and start working. Tulsa Welding School used to be located only in Tulsa, Oklahoma but this past year they decided to make a school in Houston, Texas. That’s another reason i would like to attend Tulsa Welding School in Houston because its only about an hour away from where I …show more content…

Im currently taking my second year of welding in High School. I have a couple of certs which include my tacking cert, 1f­4f and currently trying to get the 4g cert. I also have also received the NCCER card. For TSA I 'm going to enter the competition in a team of 4 and the project will be a monster BBQ pit which we will mount on a trailer. If we win we are eligible for scholarships so it 's not like a regular project there is more behind it. My welding teacher says that if we win and maybe even become state champions, that will look good on any job application. The only bad thing is that we only learn the basics of welding in high school that is why I would like to attend Tulsa Welding School in Houston to further my education and skills.
Those are a couple of reasons why I would like to attend Tulsa Welding School. It 's faster to graduate, closer to home , smaller and it 's a great school. Thank you for your time and hope to maybe see you

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