Tom Robinson Trial Essay

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For black back then, when you have to go to court you are more than likely going to be guilty. Tom Robinson is in the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, in this small town in Alabama named Maycomb. This is about Tom Robinson getting accused of raping a white girl by the name of Mayeela Ewell. The Ewell family is one of the meanest families in Maycomb, but Mayella still has a higher ranking than Tom. This shows how racist the town of Maycomb is and some families that live there. Tom Robinson is trying to do the right thing by helping out this lady by the name of Mayella Ewell. Tom was not wanting anything bad to happen, but unfortunately, Mayella tempted Tom to kiss her, so Tom did everyone found out about it and was mad because white women are not supposed to kiss black men. Bob Ewell Found out about it and beat Mayella then blamed it on Tom to get him in trouble because he is black. Tom Robinson is not at fault. Mayella Ewell is taking advantage of the situation and the community. …show more content…

She wanted to do to things with Tom and tempted him to do them. Tom fell into Mayella’s trap while trying to help her out. “She was white and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society is unspeakable: she kissed a black man. Not an old Uncle, but a strong Negro man. No code mattered to her before she broke it. But it came crashing down on her afterwards.” (Lee 231-232). After Mayella kissed Tom everyone found out about it, and Mayella was not supposed to kiss Tom. Therefore Mayella got scared and decided to tell everyone that Tom had raped her. Mayella’s proof there were marks from her father beating her, so everyone believed Mayella about what Tom didn’t do. I believe that Tom should not have tried to help because he did and then he fell right into the trap of Mayella Ewell trying to get him in trouble. Therefore I believe that Tom is at fault for part of this, but Mayella and the community are definitely at

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