To What Extent Was The Galveston Hurricane Of 1900

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The Galveston hurricane of 1900 had significant social, political, and economic effects on the city and the United States, including highlighting existing social inequalities, prompting changes to the city’s governance and disaster response, causing extensive damage to the local economy, and leading to long-term changes in the city’s population and infrastructure. One way the Galveston Hurricane affected the politics of Galveston was in the creation of a unique form of city government that replaced the traditional mayor-council system with a commission system. This system vested power in a small group of elected officials responsible for legislative and executive functions, giving them greater control over the city's affairs. Another way the Galveston Hurricane affected the city’s politics was the federal government's response to the disaster being criticized as inadequate and slow, which led to increased calls for improved disaster preparedness and emergency response at the national level. One way the Galveston Hurricane affected the economy of Galveston was through widespread destruction of infrastructure and property, resulting in significant economic losses for Galveston and the …show more content…

The city subsequently implemented a number of measures aimed at improving public health and hygiene, such as the construction of a modern water and sewer system. Another way the Galveston Hurricane affected society was the profound impact on the social fabric of Galveston, with many residents losing their homes, businesses, and loved ones. The storm disproportionately affected the city's poorer residents and communities of color, highlighting existing social inequalities and prompting calls for greater social and economic

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