To Kill A Mockingbird Research Paper

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Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird is known as a piece of classic American literature, and rightly so. This novel revolves around the Finch family and their 1930’s Alabama lives. You meet Scout, a young tomboy, Jem, Scout’s adventurous brother, and Atticus, their single, hardworking father. Atticus Finch is a lawyer who is taking the case of Tom Robinson, a black man accused of rape. Throughout this story, you will see themes of prejudice and the loss of innocence lace the pages and tie you in. I have heard many people my age say that To Kill A Mockingbird is not relevant to the time period we live in, and that they don’t understand why we have to read it. I, however, strongly believe that To Kill A Mockingbird is a great book, and one that

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