The Reformation: Religious Derivation Of The Renaissance

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Luanda Silva
Mrs. Kuhnast/Mrs. Fadlalla/Mr. Davis
English 9
March 16, 2015
The Reformation
The Reformation is the religious derivation of the Renaissance, instead of being focused on art and literature, the Reformation focused on the important parts of the Church and rebuilding the population’s religious views. It focused on the individual and the movement began when humanist thoughts and the desire for change in the Church emerged. (“Renaissance Background”) It was a revival of Biblical and New Testament “theology”(Arnold). In Phillip Schaff’s book The History of the Christian Church, he wrote: “The Reformation of the sixteenth century is, next to the introduction of Christianity, the greatest event in history. It marks the end of the Middle …show more content…

(“The Reformation”: He place the “95 Theses” on the door of a Catholic church, in order to let people read his idea of what’s wrong with the Church and what God actually told us to do. (“The Reformation”:
Martin was a German who was able to change Germany’s idea of the Church and went on to convince other countries to follow his lead, the newly acquired religion, Protestant. (“The Reformation”:
“Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk and university lecturer in Wittenberg when he composed his “95 Theses,” which protested the pope’s sale of reprieves from penance, or indulgences. Although he had hoped to spur renewal from within the church, in 1521 he was summoned before the Diet of Worms and excommunicated.” (“The Reformation”: ii. The Renaissance was ground for growing important material that would be relevant today. (Shouler)
Martin Luther made that possible by placing his ideas so that the world would see. (“The Reformation”:
Reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin and Henry VIII challenged Catholic authority. (“Renaissance …show more content…

Protestantism and the Church continued to expand as time when on but it wasn’t the population’s greatest concern, but they did start to want to change the views in the Bible. Summarizing, the Reformation was a great era for rediscovering and correcting mistakes from the past and finally getting to choosing and rethinking ideas. However horrible the Dark Ages were for Europe, they helped expand the human brain after being so narrow minded and simplistic for such a long period of time. The Reformation/Renaissance era was great after so many years of narrow-mindedness, and brought in many important people who were still to impact the world, rather spiritually, artistically or philosophically. In whatever area they focused in, we are sure that they impacts today’s society through all of the

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