The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis

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Dime novels flourished in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. These novels were short works of fiction, and they focused on the dramatic exploits of single heroic character. For this essay I choose to read the dime novel The Brady’s and the Girl Smuggler. In this dime novel you can pick out several different tones that the author uses throughout the chapters. Tone is what leads us to infer the author’s attitude. Tone can be inferred through the author’s use of details, choice of characters, events, situations and choice of words. In the first chapter an egotistical tone can be inferred through the two detectives hired by the collector to solve a smuggling crime. In the third chapter along with the fifth, there is an aggressive tone portrayed through La Croix. Lastly, there is a tone of urgency in the final chapter from Young Kid Brady when waiting to final catch La Croix. An egotistical tone in the first chapter can be inferred through the two detectives hired by the collector to solve a smuggling crime. In the first chapter an angry collector confronts his local police department on the poor investigation on the smugglers’ bringing in items illegally to sell. The collector gets the investigators to admit that they have no leads on the case. This is when the collector tells the investigators he has hired two others from secret service to solve the case. When these two are …show more content…

After everything the two detectives had went through the young detective wanted to finally put the villain in his place and arrest him once and for all. ”The boy was very impatient. I can't understand how you can take it so cool, he muttered. What's the good of fuming and fretting? It isn't going to hurry us, is it? No. But La Croix may beat us. (Doughty 1900) ". This shows the urgency tone stemming from the young detective. He is worried that once again La Croix may escape

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