Summary Of Killing Lincoln The Assassination That Changed America Forever

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Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever Chapter by Chapter Summaries: Chapter 1: General Grant has General Lee trapped in Petersburg trying to force his surrender but he is able to escape by the skin of his teeth. He tries to go to North Carolina to get reinforcements because that is his last option at this point in the war. Meanwhile, President Lincoln is having severe nightmares about the war. Chapter 2: The next time Grant and Lee’s forces met in combat was at the Battle of Five Forks. This was said to be a very big victory for the Union and they almost had General Lee, but he managed to escape just barely again. After this victory, General Grant sends word to Lincoln requesting a meeting at the Amelia …show more content…

Lincoln showed him around on an open carriage ride, people cheered for them on every street corner. Powell the only one of Booth’s men that had killed before had done his reconnaissance and knew when and where to take down his target. Chapter 25: Another one of Booth’s men was trying to back out of the plan because he never wanted to kill anyone, Booth thinking ahead blackmailed this man so he had nothing else to do but go through with it. Chapter 26: Lincoln stayed in his home the night of April 13th because of a migraine, another one of Booth’s men tried to warn General Grant about the assassination attempts, but did accomplish this and later disappeared. Chapters 27-30: Lincoln awoke early with no migraine, Booth had went around town to the women he had relationships with to get one last picture with each of them. Mary Todd was adamant about seeing a play that she loved and Lincoln said he would arrange to get some tickets. Lincoln had been warned to not go to the theatre by a close friend but he insisted, so the friend told him to at least bring a guard with him. The Ford brothers knew this attention would raise ticket sales and so did Booth, he came in unnoticed because of his familiar …show more content…

The first try they only made it 4 miles down river but still in Maryland, the next try they did make it to Virginia. Baker sent 25 men on steamboat to catch up to Booth in Virginia, just before they took the boat back, Booth and his man had been positively identified and seen recently. They went to a farm nearby on the Lt.’s hunch and it was a good one. Booth and his man were held up in the barn and were trapped inside, his man wanted to be taken away because he believed he was innocent, then it was just Booth alone in the barn. They told him to come out or they would burn it down, he wanted a fair fight but realized they had began to burn it. He peeked his head up to shoot with his rifle, but was shot in the neck and left paralyzed. He was dead by the

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