Summary Of Donatello's David Statues

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The main similarities between the David statues is that they are religious statues. The man sculpted represents the biblical story, David and Goliath. In the bible, there is a story of a hero, David, who executed the hostile giant Goliath with a sling and stone. This story was a big influence to many Renaissance artists. These statues were created From 1430 to 1623 A.D. They are some of the world’s most popular pieces of art created. All of the statues represent that same person and the same story. The differences between the artists work however, is the way David is portrayed. In Donatello’s life size bronze statue, shows David holding Goliath’s sword in his right hand, the stone in his left hand, and the giant’s head placed by his feet.

Art is usually meant to give a meaning of some sort and have a story. David was a heroic, powerful, young man from the battle of David and Goliath in the bible. The statue itself is a religious symbol, as well as a civic …show more content…

Michelangelo’s David was commissioned by Arte della Lana, who were responsible for the decoration of the Cathedral in Florence, Italy. Donatello’s David was created for the medici courtyard, commissioned by Cosimo de Medici, who was Donatello’s lifelong friend. Bernini’s David was commissioned by Cardinal Scipione Borghese. The statue was used for decoration of the villa. Verrocchio, commissioned David by the Medici family to decorate the garden for the Medici Palace. Andrea del Verrocchio was the teacher of Leonardo da Vinci.
The main reasons that David was such an important person is because of his faith and trust in God. David was a firm believer in god, and because he had such faith and love for him, god continued to bless his life. David became king over Israel, serving god by preaching to his people. David’s bravery and courage were based on his love for God. This is why he was used as a subject of art during the

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