Summary By Sylvia Mendez Sparknotes

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Sylvia Mendez, A piece of history forgotten, an ennoble human being who uplifted the loathsome cruelty of segregation in public schools. In 1943, students of mexican descent we enrolled in different schools from the caucasian students. Sylvia and her siblings were denied to go to the caucasian school. The Mendez family started Fighting for equal rights and education ,so that every mexican child could attend the caucasian schools. Sylvia created a landmark to our community and hope to all of us to stop the wicked racism world living among us. After reading and learning about the inspirational Latina Sylvia Mendez life story, I want to make a change to my community as well. There is so much racialism in this world everyday. A word, phrase, or quote can bring back the terror and horrifying memories that scarred our lives. Sylvia Mendez fought for freedom of color because she is the daughter of an Mexican immigrant family, Because she is a proud to be a Mexican, And because she …show more content…

She began the works of ending segregation and should continue on with the new generations every time. To remind everyone about the history and past that occurred that changed every single person lives. For the good and the bad. We don’t want to set an example to everyone that segregation is good. We want to grow with the diversity of many types of people and learning about different cultures that may improve our communities. I am proud to be a mexican and be part of an mexican family because I’m different than other people. I am my own individual self who has beliefs and disagrees on things in life. Every person should be proud of where they came from because being different from everyone means you have more advantages on life and becoming successful. You know things, you can do things and learn things that not every person can do. I consider it a talent. Be proud of where you grew up at because it's in our blood and will always be

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