Similarities Between The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution

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Written in 1787 and established in 1788, The Constitution is one of the most famous government systems in the world, laying down the foundation for the world we know today. It’s predecessor, the Articles of Confederation, was not nearly as long-lasting, being scrapped after just 10 years. However, both documents had a similar idea: giving power to the people and preventing the rise of a king. One huge difference is that the Constitution established a much stronger government than the Articles of Confederation. With the Articles, there was almost no government, leading to big problems. To make any laws, a lot of the states had to vote in favor and there had to be a unanimous vote to amend it. As a result, there were no amendments passed. The Constitution, on the other hand, has a much …show more content…

The Articles were a little over(under?)kill, though, establishing a VERY weak government. The Constitution established a much firmer government by comparison, but it could still change much more easily than other forms of government. The reason the Articles were written was to unify the States, but there were many problems, such as non-uniform currency, laws not being passed, amending being near impossible, and even things like Shays’ Rebellion. The Constitution was created to solve these problems and create a stronger, but still restricted, national government. It introduced uniform currency, better lawmaking, amendments actually being possible to pass, and less/no rebellion. The Articles of Confederation had only one main branch: the Legislative branch. Judicial didn’t do much and the Executive branch didn’t even exist yet! Even the Legislative branch was flawed! This is much different from the constitution, which has three branches of government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial, all three (mostly) working well and working well

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