Cause And Effect Essay On Gout

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The Shocking Truth about Gout and Its Impact

Do you really know what gout is? Many people, including gout sufferers who have gout for many years may not fully comprehend what gout is. This article will provide you with an in-depth understanding of what is gout, symptoms of gout and causes of gout.

What is Gout? - 5 Common Symptoms of Gout

Gout is a type of metabolic and the most painful arthritis. It is caused by a chemical in the blood called uric acid, which is produced in the body.

Uric acid itself is harmless. It is consider as a waste product that forms when the body breaks down chemicals in the cells known as purines. In other words, uric acid is a metabolic product resulting from the metabolism of purines. It is normal for our bodies to produce uric acid, which is expected to be excreted from our bodies. They can be passed out through urine or gut …show more content…

A gout sufferer needs to understand all the above mentioned in order to have a better control over his or her gout condition.
Is that all I need to know about gout? No! There is more and important information about gout that you need to be aware.

Acute gout, or a gout attack, happens when something (such as high volume of alcohol) causes uric acid levels to spike or jostles the crystals that have formed in a joint, triggering the attack. What will happen if a gout patient refuse to treat the gout condition and leave it untreated for long-term? Urate crystals will continue to accumulate in the patient's urinary tract, causing painful kidney stones, or they can collect to form urate deposits called tophi under the skin. Normally, tophi are not painful, but they can become inflamed and tender during a gout attack.

Most Devastating and Destructive Condition Of Gout

Gout can cause permanent damage to joints and kidneys. It normally takes a long period, around 10 years, without any proper treatment for the disease to reach this advanced

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