Planned Parenthood Vs Casey Case Analysis

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I have taken classes with you before, so I had no problem understanding the syllabus. It is surely not an easy course. I can see, there is lots of reading and time commitment is required to understand the material. Instructions are clear, as you have posted everything on the first page, there is no way to miss something. The best part of the reading is it is written in simple word but in a very interesting. It might be because it discusses about real life issues. In general, what I understood by federalism is the power shared between the state and the federal. Separation of powers is an “act of vesting the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of government in separate bodies”. And stare decisis means the legal principle of determining points in litigation, according to precedent. The movie we watched in the class “the last abortion clinic” is definitely relevant in this situation. This movie connects the dots from Roe v Wade, which allowed states to regulate abortion so long as they did not place an "undue burden" to the Planned Parenthood v. Casey (the pro-life movement has dramatically changed the landscape of abortion politics). It …show more content…

Sebelius examine the effects of the Supreme Court decision on the affordable Care Act (ACA). This included the portions of legal orders and rules. NFIB effects are still likely to be indirect, which have marked a destabilization called “constitutional gestalt” which is also referred to as “New Deal Settlement”. It is understood that these cases established a constitutional regime of plenary and virtually unlimited national legislative power under the Commerce Clause. ACA was not as easy bill to pass. There was numerous challenged it had to face. Issues like individual mandate, Medicaid expansion, Medicaid fund, tax power, spending power and many more. It is obvious that passing the bill of ACA and actually getting success on having all Americans health insurance is a victory achieved my President

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