Persuasive Essay Against Euthanasia

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Imagine that your mom is very, very sick. She has the choice to keep fighting the sickness or to give up and go through euthanasia. The process of euthanasia involves a lethal injection in the body which kills the body. It’s kind of like when a vet has to put a dog down. While many people think this process is a way of relieving pain, the termination of someone else’s life is not ethical since it lowers the value of life and is not a natural way of death.
“The international killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit.” To some, euthanasia is a way to relieve pain and free up medical bills, but others consider it murder. It’s the killing of someone else’s life and it’s not right. We don’t choose our death, God does. Yes, it relieves pain, but in some cases, killing those people off is not necessary. With the technology we have today we can easily find a …show more content…

One question that most people ask about this subject is: Does euthanasia devalue life? The answer is yes it does. As most already know, euthanasia is a form of suicide. Most people who commit suicide suffer from mental illnesses and should not have the immediate option of using the procedure as a painless death. It lowers the potential of that person’s life as they look towards euthanasia as an escape plan. People should also not have the right to determine when they die, only God should. He alone determines when our lives start and end and we shouldn’t mess with that. These people should be able to live their lives to the absolute fullest just as God intended. A life is extremely valuable and we should try to live it as best as possible. So instead of going through euthanasia, you should fight and see what the Lord has in store for you. Anything that involves assistance in killing and flat out wrong and devaluing to life. Just imagine you being the doctor that has to kill someone. It would be awful,

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