Personal Narrative: My Road Trip To Texas

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It was a cold February morning and the countdown had finally arrived. I had just signed out with staff duty to start my leave so I could make that road trip from Fort Carson, Colorado to San Antonio, TX. Only thing this trip was no vacation, it was the last visit I will never forget. I was headed to see my sister in law, Vicki who was in the intensive care unit for leukemia. The thoughts and emotions running through my mind had made the drive so difficult for me. I wanted to be in Texas because this was someone I cared deeply about and someone that played an important role in my life.
My brother and Vicki dated all throughout high school and continued their relationship after he graduated and enlisted into the Air Force. After she graduated from high school they got married in the late summer of 1996. She was finally a part of our family for good. Her passion was to help others and to become a registered nurse. While going to school to become a nurse she was an intern at a nursing home that provided assistance for the elderly. She was passionate about her job. The church I attended we conducted service numerous times at that nursing home where we sang and visited with the patients. She spoke about how it was devastating to witness seeing her patients that didn’t have loved ones to visit them. All of her patients she took care of spoke highly of her.
During her internship my brother received orders to Mountain Home, Idaho this was his first duty station. My family was not prepared …show more content…

I didn’t know what to say or how to react. How can someone like her who was genuine and compassionate go through this. Someone that always placed their needs above her own. She continued to work at the hospital while she was going through her chemo treatment. She was a great role model never showed any signs of weakness in front of her kids. I can see her traits in my niece and

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