Personal Narrative: My Freshman Year

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As my Freshman year begins, I am starting to realize how important certain things are in my life. Freshman year is full of distractions that could lead to many bad things, such as putting popularity and friends before grades and education. Many people are unaware of how easily this can happen, and before they know it, they are in jeopardy of not graduating to go on to college. However, It is important to also have a life outside of grades, and to get involved at school. I plan on accomplishing three different goals by the end of freshman year and high school in general. These goals consist of achieving a 4.0 grade point average or higher while being involved at school simultaneously, Going to a 4 year university to pursue my career, and to master the art of surfing. It is important for my focus to stay on these goals, and high school will not be one of the obstacles that takes me down. Achieving a high grade point average in high school is one of the key things that is necessary to get into a good university. That is why it is extremely important that I do this and that I stay on track, no matter what gets in the way. It is also important to stay involved at the same time, and to have a life outside of school work and grades. Grades are not the only thing that colleges look …show more content…

My dad is at work a lot of the time, and with school and homework that needs to get done, I do not get to spend time with him very often. Surfing is how my dad and I connect, which is why it is so important to me. I want to get better at surfing for my dad, but for myself as well. Surfing is something that I do to spend time with my dad, but it is also something that I do to make myself happy too. That is why getting better at surfing and mastering it is a goal of mine that I will someday

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