PSA Argumentative Analysis

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The authors of this journal discuss the healthcare systems cutbacks and its impact on the population. Every few years the Ontario government and the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) negotiate their contract called The Physician Services Agreement (PSA) The contract details how much physicians can bill for their services, as well as where health care funding should be invested in or where a cut back could be. In March of 2014, the contract had expired, which has led to negotiations for over the year. Over that year negotiations for the new PSA contract had many conflicts mostly due to the government’s goal try to end the province's deficit by 2017-2018. As the government wanted to cut healthcare spending as it is a major part of the deficit. …show more content…

The OMA quickly declined this offer, with the president of OMA, Dr. Ved Tandan stating “Ontario’s population is already underserviced for health care and our population is growing and aging. That increases the need for health services, but the government has decided to fund less than half of the additional care that will be required” On the other side the Health Minister Eric Hoskins argued Dr. Tankan’s statement, by saying “Physicians would be able to offer the same amount of care with or without the small budget increase proposed.” As both sides were unable to come to an agreement, the government left the negotiation table and stated that they were going to impose a series of health care cuts. These cuts included a 2.65% decrease to all physician gross income. A physician gross income includes their overhead

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