Outline For The Iliad

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A. The Iliad is considered an epic of poetry.
B. The unitarian theory is the belief that one person created the Iliad and the Odyssey. The expansion theory is believed to have a core that was maintained for each episode.
1. The Greeks and the Trojans were fighting because the Trajan Prince Paris abducted Helen, the wife of Menelaus. Menelaus formed an alliance with his brother King Agamemnon to retrieve his wife.
A. Paris acts almighty and asks anyone to battle him when the Greeks and Trojans met in battle.
B. Paris becomes cowardly when Menelaus accepts his offer.
C. Paris admits that Menelaus beats him and invites Helen to bed when he sees her.
D. Paris promises to fight when Hector shames him.
3. Paris is a stubborn and cowardly person …show more content…

Athena, Poseidon, Hera, and Hermes fought with the Greeks. Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares, and Apollo fought with the Trojans. The reason each god stood for was if they allied with one of them or were against one of them.
5. Hector leaves the battle to find his wife briefly. When he gets home he finds out she is not there but at the Scaean Gates. They both meet there and discuss their fears while Hector holds his son. Hector finally leaves so he is not seen as a coward and returns to battle loyally.
6. The Greeks try to protect their ships by building a wall on the sea in fear of being attacked.
7. The three envoys go and ask Achilles to help the Achaeans who are losing to the Trojans. Achilles is upset that Agamemnon took Briseis away so he refuses to help.
1. Agamemnon was injured by Coon just after killing Coon's brother. Diomedes is wounded with an arrow by the hands of Paris. Odysseus becomes wounded by Socius after being surrounded by Trojans. The Trojans are ahead.
2. Patroclus wanted to wear Achilles' armor to battle. In turn, this softens Achilles and he joins the …show more content…

The Gods saw Hector as a righteous man and stopped Achilles in order for Hector to have a proper burial.
9. Achilles frightens Priam into doing what he asks. They have a respectful meal with each other.
10. The Iliad ends without a total victory for the Greeks because when it is recited the reader already knows the beginning and the end.
11. Hector was a more righteous man with a set of morals, he fought for his land, and help his family dear. Achilles fought for personal glory, a legendary story, and thought only of himself. I admire Hector for the heroic man he was without the legendary story. He was loyal and stayed true to his land and people. He did not think just for himself but of the others under his leadership. I admire how honorable he was.
12. I believe that Achilles did not change from the beginning of the Iliad. At the end of the story, he is still brutal, strong, and anger-driven.
Ares, the God of War did not appear in the Iliad but a couple of times. Ares is mentioned and mortal warriors are compared to his greatness often in the story. Ares himself was not a major god in the Iliad. Ares starts out allies with the Greeks but when Gods start to get injured, he starts supporting the Trojans. The belief is that the God of War just enjoys watching brutality. He sparks Hector to fight back and helps the Trojans in Book V with all the heroes. That is Ares minor role in the Iliad, he set the war into

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