Orthodontics Research Paper

1533 Words7 Pages

Are you looking for a straighter, whiter, less-gummy, or better-shaped smile? Our Charlotte, NC dental office offers a variety of cosmetic solutions that can help you look great and feel wonderful about yourself. Our cosmetic solutions can help you achieve the smile you have always dreamed about! Read on to learn more about each of our options.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin pieces of tooth-colored material that are placed over the surface of the tooth to enhance its appearance. Our patients love these because they offer instant results — correcting spacing issues, misshapen teeth, discoloration, chips, and more. We offer both prepless and minimal preparation veneers — meaning it takes just a couple visits to our office to complete the procedure! Talk to Dr. Burley about getting dental veneers today.

Teeth Whitening

We offer both in-office and …show more content…

Depending on your specific needs, we can offer Invisalign clear braces or Fastbraces, a revolutionary short-term option. Learn more about our short-term orthodontics here.

Smile Makeover

Our complete smile makeover solution is designed to give you a brand-new beautiful smile. We can combine any number of our cosmetic services to give you the smile of your dreams. We can offer whitening, veneers, orthodontics, and more to help you look your very best. We can even use wax-ups or an outcome simulator to show you the final result of your makeover before we begin!

If you are interested in scheduling your free cosmetic consultation, please contact our office directly. You can call us at 704-533-9400 or send us a message via our online form. We can help you set up a date and time for your appointment that works great with your personal schedule. Let us help you achieve the smile of your dreams! We can’t wait to hear from you!


Charlotte, NC Beautiful Dental

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