Nmc Case Study Joe's Care

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For the purpose of this assignment two audio-visuals have been watched regarding the care of Joe (NMC Videos., 2010a; NMC Videos., 2010b). For the first part of the assignment the problem solving approach, A.P.I.E (Assess, Plan, Implement and Evaluate) will be used to discuss behaviours regarding Joes care. The main behaviours will then be identified and examined using material learnt during the programme, and explanations will be offered to try and understand the behaviours displayed. The second part of the assignment will be a reflection regarding my development as a result of analysing Joe’s experience.
In the video we see Joe talking about the time he first arrived at the setting. He mentions how he filled in a form stating that he liked …show more content…

During an assessment potential problems are identified allowing the staff to be able to plan so that these will not become actual problems (Barrett, Wilson and Woollands, 2012). In Joe’s case, although an assessment was made when he first arrived this was not continuous as it should have been (Barrett et al., 2012). Had this been done correctly it could have been highlighted that the actual problem was that Joe was not eating his breakfast, resulting in the potential problem that Joe was at risk of becoming malnourished. Effective assessment would also have allowed the carers to be able to set goals for Joe during the planning stage and implement the care to ensure he was receiving food that he enjoyed, resulting in Joe receiving the nutrients that his body needed. (Barrett et al., …show more content…

Glucose and Protein along with other nutrients play a key part in the wound healing process. Protein is advantageous to the wound healing process and a deficiency can prolong the inflammatory process and the collagen synthesis process (Breslow and Bergstorm, 1994). High exudate from wounds can result in 100g of protein being lost per day, therefore good nutritional intake is vital especially if Joe was to fall which resulted in such injury (Russell, 2001). As Joes care in regards to his food preferences was poorly implemented he may not have been receiving the diet that he needed and was at risk of malnutrition. If a continuous assessment had taken place and a plan set by the staff, it could have been implemented that Joe was able to have the breakfast he enjoyed reducing the risk of malnutrition. This would have been simple to implement and would also allowed Joe to be able to make decisions about his breakfast enabling him

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