Maginot Line Thesis

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Maginot Line has been left out of her community and shunned by her society altogether. Although caring and compassionate towards those she loves they just can’t seem to be able to look past her external demeanor and actions. Her work is an illegal one and puts her at odds with many wives while her frank personality steers people away. Leading to people putting her in the lowest section of their makeshift society. Going as far as blatantly degrading both her already diminished reputation and name with their sly remarks. Essentially, making her an outcast to the people who were supposed be part of her community. Completely ignorant to what their actions showed about their true characters. Maginot Line’s rare interactions with her society show …show more content…

Naturally, the Maginot line isn’t someone who they’d be fond of having around their children. Early on Claudia and Frieda are at Pecola’s house looking for her but instead encounter Maginot line who they quickly tell they can’t go in her home. They simply were following their mother rules and their mother made the rules by listening to those around her. Showing the reader just how taboo the people thought Maginot Line was. They didn’t want Maginot Line to have any type of influence over the way their children act or talk. Maginot Line is also a bad example of the adults they want the children to grow up and become. Claudia’s mother also banning any type of her presence in their house was also in an attempt to avoid her. To them avoiding her was a simple part of their duties as their children's …show more content…

The community witnesses the white community from Pauline and others in their society's perspective as a fully functional and independent machine. Unconsciously the black person distrusts what is black in him/herself, and desires what belongs to the white person(Khayati 4). They want what could never be achieved in the first place and Maginot is only an obstacle. Women like Geraldine are worshipped for their light skin and similarities to white women while Maginot Line is looked at as disgusting for both her body and profession. Whiteness like Shirley temple is admired and strived for but true Black qualities are held deep in a vault and hidden from the light. Subconsciously they loathe themselves for who they truly are. Whiteness had penetrated the black society too deeply for removing it actually have an

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