Low Self-Esteem

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Self-esteem is a level of self respect people have for themselves. Those with lower self-esteem have a harder time believing that they are beautiful or handsome, “Self-Esteem is a common target of intervention, and the proliferation of research of self-esteem attests to the widely held belief of its significances as a personality variable” (Kahn 432). Self-esteem revolves on how people see themselves. Those with low self-esteems see their flaws, dwell on them, and try to fix themselves or they look for people to tell them they are perfect the way they are. Those with high self-esteem rely on people to tell them they are more than perfect. Self-esteem affects everyone in its own way, but it affects certain people more than others. Those that …show more content…

As the years have gone by, society’s image of a perfect person has changed immensely, “But with increasing globalization, the western concept of lean and thin body shape as ideal body shape is spreading in non-western population also, increasing body dissatisfaction and unhealthy eating attitudes and behaviors in this population” (Chaudhari). For people who have problems with their weight, they think that they have to either stop eating and workout all the time, or they can not eat for a while, then eat a lot, then throw it back up again. As they begin this method of trying to lose weight, their body is trying to live without getting any nutrients.People who have negative thoughts about themselves are causing many health problems, society needs to find a way to end this quickly. Individuals are losing their lives because they were different. Certain careers give individuals a difficult time to take care of themselves. They take up a lot of time and the individual forgets to take care of themselves, “Some researchers have established that medical students are more at risk of developing eating disorders” (Chaudhari). Students in medical school have a difficult time taking care of themselves because they are focusing on their studies and a possible internship. Their studies are important if they want to become a doctor or a surgeon, so they will be studying so …show more content…

Those that have social media accounts and have a large amount of friends or followers tend to have people who will put offensive or hurtful comments, “In general, those with low self-esteem get more responses from their actual Facebook friends when they put positive messages. Conversely, those with a high self-esteem get more responses when they post negative messages, likely because they don’t often do so” (Mosqaritolo). Those that have a high self-esteem wants to hear what others have to say about them, if they have good things to say, they will feed off of that comment so it will boost their self-esteem further than before. Those with low self-esteem wants to hear those comments but will deny the compliments they get, they put themselves down even when they get nice compliments. Low self-esteem brings the individuals attitude to a negative one, they are typically more negative online then people with average or high self-esteem. They could become a person that leaves hateful comments on others account, “People with low self-esteem were more negative than people with high self-esteem - and the coders liked them less,” the researchers said in a statement” (Mosqaritolo). People who work on the social media platform see these people and have a negative attitude towards them. They don’t want this attitude on their platform

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