Liberal Arts Self Assessment Essay

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Liberal Arts Self-Assessment
There are many benefits to achieving a Liberal Arts education. A Liberal Arts education provides the learner with a broad range of information to help guide them in a direction that create intellectual growth. Liberal Arts cover a wide range of subjects and creates a solid foundation for many other areas of study. A Liberal Arts education teaches you how to think, learn, see things as a whole, makes you a better communicator, and problem solver. A Liberal Arts education is the most important factor in creating critically thinking, well rounded interesting individuals.
There are four breadth areas at Ottawa University, each relating to particular areas of life. The breadth areas are as follows: Art/Expression, Social/Civic, Science/Description and Value/Meaning. Each breath area has challenged me to think outside the box. This essay is the reflection and self-assessment of my education that addresses your growth in the knowledge, skills, and values of the Ottawa University learning outcomes for Liberal Arts Studies.
The breadth areas
To be honest before my education …show more content…

I can already see some of the contributions my education in liberal arts has had on my life. At work I listen open-mindedly, I communicate better both at work and at home. I feel my liberal arts education has helped me grow in my problem solving skills and my ability to understand other people’s points of view. Another area in which I have begun to notice some changes in my life is my attitude towards others. I will be honest and say that before starting my education at Ottawa University I was more judgmental in my attitude towards others. However, I feel that has changed as I have become more educated in the different breadth areas. The breadth areas have helped me discover that our difference are what make us unique and we all bring something different to the

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