How Odysseus Changed My Life

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Everyone's goals are all different, some many be a football career, or basketball, or golf, or some type hobby anyone has. In the Odyssey, the main character Odysseus has a goal to make it back to his homeland to see his wife and son. Some people if they want, live at home and enjoy the living of their parents house. Thinking about a future can be scary sometimes, especially if parents are dragging it on you to find out what you are going to do with a future. Future a frightening word. Someone could say that the last sentence totally contradicts the title of my paper, but yes even of the future is scary, happiness will come with it. We all hit bumps and curves in the road, we may not realize that when they happen that they are good, but when we realize in the end that they were totally awesome. Some bumps in the road I have come upon, is having open heart surgery, being diagnosed with diabetes, breaking my jaw many more that were not as serious as these. I had open heart surgery at a very young age and I do not remember it at all, but I know it affected my parents greatly. I look back and think that if having that …show more content…

I had to change the way I did everything. The things I eat, how to take care of myself, and be responsible with things. I still struggle today with diabetes every single day, no matter what I am doing. I have been made fun of, and laughed at. In the moment every single person made fun of me, I tried to defend, but I would always end up crying. Not now. I stand up for myself more and I become more confident in myself. I have overcome this and looking back people making fun of me has definitely made me stronger. I am so grateful for all those people who made me who I am today. Odysseus, before he left his wife and son is in some kind of way like getting diagnosed with diabetes. It was hard, and took time to get used to. Eventually he was used to it, but his goal was still ahead of

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