How Is Odysseus A Good Leader

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Do Odyessus's Good Traits Outweigh The Cons?

Everyone is different, some people are good while others are bad. Odysseus had many good and bad qualities. Throughout his journey, Odysseus is returning home, and he does many things to protect himself and his men. In The Odyssey, Homer crafts Odysseus to have positive and negative traits, however his actions are justified as he is just trying to get back home.
In The Odyssey, Homer crafts Odysseus to have positive and negative traits; however, he is a smart man and a great leader overall. Odysseus is a good leader, he is able to think quickly and get his men out safely. Odysseus tells the Cyclops,“ [His] name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends,/ everyone calls [him] Nohby”(Homer 323-324). After this, you can see how Oddyessus can think quickly and come up with the idea of telling the Cyclops his name is Nohdy, he can kill time and help his men escape. As well, Odysseus is a good leader since he is very resourceful and able to use what he has. In order for Odyessus to …show more content…

Odysseus is a bad leader since he is a murderer. When Odysseus and his men landed in Ismarus, “[He] stormed that place and killed the men who fought(Homer 28). Because of this, we can see Odysseus kills people for fun, which is a very bad quality. As well, Odysseus is greedy and does things even if they could put him and his men in danger. After successfully escaping, Odysseus taunts the Cyclops, “O Cyclops! Would you feast on my companions?”(Homer 441). Due to this, his men were annoyed with him and he is portrayed as greedy since he wanted to taunt the Cyclops. Furthermore, Odysseus is a selfish person. When Odysseus and his men were going through the river, “{He}/ told them nothing, as they could do nothing” (Homer 663-664). Since Odysseus didn't tell his men they were going to die, he is a selfish person because of this. Odysseus is a bad leader since he is greedy, selfish, and a

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