How Does Charlotte Bronte Use Deception In Jane Eyre

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In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë explores a love story between two characters, Mr. Rochester and Jane, which is formed from deception. Mr. Rochester lies to Jane on multiple occasions. He does not admit who he is to Jane right way, creates a facade as a gypsy, and finally falsifies his past marriage with Bertha. Deception serves as a problem in their relationship, but ultimately they are able to put it behind them and find happiness together. When the character of Bertha Mason is introduced, it is revealed that Mr. Rochester has a past he wishes to forget and his interest for Jane stems from his hatred of Bertha and their unsuccessful marriage. Rochester’s ongoing deception towards Jane is a result of him wanting to redeem himself for the failure of his marriage with Bertha.
Beginning with Mr. Rochester and Jane’s first encounter, Mr. Rochester has not been honest about who he is. Although Jane had been working for him for a while, she never met him until an accident that forced them to unexpectedly meet. Jane right away says who she is, but Rochester does not reciprocate this action. He acts mysterious upon their first meeting by asking who owns Thornfield and if Jane knows the owner. “Whose house is it?” “Mr. Rochester’s” “Do you know Mr. Rochester?” “No, I have never seen him”(Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, p 116). He was given a perfect opportunity to explain that he is indeed Mr. Rochester, …show more content…

Deception between Jane and Rochester is seen in multiple occasions and is an underlying theme in Jane Eyre which helps the character develop. Brontë is able to show the true characters of Rochester and Jane through deception. They are both searching for true love but the problem of deception is a barrier throughout their whole relationship, although the they are able to overcome it in the

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