How Did Tituba Salem Witch Trials

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Twenty-four innocent people died during the Salem Witch Trials. This was due to many different factors that effected the people who lived there. The biggest factor being their religion; everyone living in Salem was a Puritan. When the Witch trials began, people’s judgment turned over into fear and superstition. Mass hysteria began because there was no governor, and there was no law system. Plus, everyone in the Puritan society strongly believed that there were higher powers; God and Satan. On top of this, there was a major division between the people in Salem; the wealthy and the poor. While all of this was going on, children’s expectations were not faltered, people still wanted them to behave like adults. Fear of witchcraft was common in New England, and was even more common in Europe. …show more content…

Tituba was a slave who served a very wealthy family, Sarah Good was a homeless beggar and Sarah Osborne was an elderly women who was sick and married her servant. Tituba was one of the first accused of being a witch. She was beaten in order to admit to being a witch. In order to make her beatings stop, Tituba accused three other women of being witches, and in return was not hung, but jailed. Sarah Good, the first of being accused, was a beggar and immensely old. People thought that she was a witch before being accused, and ended up getting hung. These women were accused of being witches by the circle girls, whose leader, Ann Putnam, was twelve years old. Ann is seen to be the person who started the Salem Witch Trials, and the creator of the hysteria. Since she was so little, she was obsessed with the power that she had acquired. She fabricated stories to watch others suffer. By the end of the witch trials, she would accuse sixty-two people. However, it wasn’t totally her fault; the standards put onto children were immense, and this was her way of relieving the

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