How Did The Fidel Castro Influence The Cuban Revolution

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When analyzing a person that took a stand in history, we first have to look at the environment that they were in, and analyze the conditions that created the historical figure and their role in history. One of these figures of historical importance was Fidel Castro with his role in the Cuban Revolution. The Cuban Revolution was an event in history that affected the Cuban people politically, economically, and socially (Perez, 2002). The Cuban Revolution had many key people and nations that were involved in bringing forth the revolution into reality. On one side you had the United States, which was the group responsible for backing Batista and his dictatorship, and the other end of the coin you had the majority of the Cuban people helping the revolutionaries to overthrow Batista’s corrupt government and bring into being, the first communist government in the Western Hemisphere.
Batista’s government was in place at the time of the Cuban Revolution, and it was the corruption of this government that laid down the conditions needed for a revolution to take place. The government was a capitalist dictatorship that was characterized by its rampant corruption and its abuse of power, which included rigged elections and the stealing of national funds (Hillard, 1972). Batista’s government was a repressive dictatorship …show more content…

One of the major social outcomes that was brought forth by the Cuban Revolution is that people became more educated, more of these people reached the middle class, and enjoyed greater civil rights (Malici, 2005). The economic consequences of the Cuban Revolution were that Cuba, under rule of Castro, enjoyed greater economic independence, which made the country a better place to live (Valdes, 1995). The political impact of the Cuban Revolution was that Cuba had formed a government that was not corrupt and was better for the country than Batista’s

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