How Did Harriet Tubman Show Courage

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The next award is being given out to Harriet Tubman, a woman of courage, bravery, and compassion. She is a woman who is one of the most important African American leader who changed the perspective on slavery. Harriet Tubman, a slave in the South, escaped the hands of a slave owner to have freedom in the North. She dedicated her life to helping others make it to freedom too. She put her life at risk so others could be free. She was strong yet warmhearted. She was definitely considerate of others. A survey at the end of the named her as one of the most famous civilians in American history before the Civil War. Harriet Tubman was born in Maryland. She was raised under very harsh conditions. She started as a slave at age 6. She grew up being beaten and whipped. She sometimes stuck her feet in coals to prevent frostbite. When she was 30, she escaped from her slave owners. She took part in the Underground Railroad which secretly escaped slaves and brought them from the South to the North so they could be free. She would take many people at a time and she would go back and forth from the North to South and back again freeing more people from slavery. …show more content…

Her and the other escaped slaves had to keep on the low and constantly have to be careful to not get spotted. She had the risk of getting hanged if she got caught but she continued to sneak slaves over and over again. She put her life on risk to save many. Every one of her trips they starved of food, sleep, and warmth.Tubman's capture would have brought a $40,000 reward from the South and that is worth a lot back then. Harriet had many risk factors on her shoulders. Everytime she left one place, there was the chance of her not making it back. And on top of all that, she traveled so many

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