German Shepherd Outline

389 Words2 Pages

HOOK; You’re riding your bike outside in your neighborhood, you turn to you right and you see a beautiful black and tan dog with a bushy tail, lots fur that comes from lay on grass to come lick your fingers. Description
Regardless of how big these magnificent animals are, they are super smart dogs.
Thesis Statement: The German Shepherd has interested me since I saw one walking down a street with a police officer. Today, I will share my interest in these intelligent, awesome looking dogs with you.

Paragraph 1: What does the animal look like?
The German Shepherd, has many different colors, but most common color is tan and black. A male German Shepherd can weigh up to (66-88 lbs) a female can weigh up to (49-71 lbs) the male height is (24-26 in.) The female's height is (22-24 in.) Their fur is thick with double coats on them, with a bushy tail. They have strong jaws. They have a long neck when excited, but when they they start running fast their neck lowers. …show more content…

2017, Accessed 11 Oct. 2017.

Paragraph 2: The habitat or where they live. “German Shepherd.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 9 Oct. 2017, Accessed 11 Oct. 2017.

The German Shepherd was originated in germany.The breed is also known as Alsatian in Britain and Ireland. The German Shepherd dog is found only living in places where people have established a residence. Since the German Shepherd was a breed to fulfil a role as a herding dog, guard dog, and companion. They don’t have any natural habitats, because the German Shepherd makes a wonderful family dog. It
Is is protective of it’s home and family.

Paragraph 3: What do they eat?“” German Shepherd Rescue of

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